First off let me say I drink to much strong black coffee, also my main vice is hot & spicy food. So sometimes I chuckle to myself when I read a Cigar discription of the flavors I am going to experience.
I many times laugh to myself, wondering how these experts tast spice, coffee, or other taste. My personal palate is not shall we say that sophisticated.
I wonder what is it the experts don't eat or drink that is the reason their taste are so much better then mine. This am I smoking what I calla relative inexpensive stick. This one is under $7.00, and is full of complexed flavor, but if someone asked what I personally tasted. I could not separate the components. I would just say very complexed flavors.
I many times laugh to myself, wondering how these experts tast spice, coffee, or other taste. My personal palate is not shall we say that sophisticated.
I wonder what is it the experts don't eat or drink that is the reason their taste are so much better then mine. This am I smoking what I calla relative inexpensive stick. This one is under $7.00, and is full of complexed flavor, but if someone asked what I personally tasted. I could not separate the components. I would just say very complexed flavors.