You express-ed yourself well.
- Sent from my magical device
Too bad you expressed yourself in the wrong direction.
You express-ed yourself well.
- Sent from my magical device
Just wipe it off and keep them separated from your other sticks in their own separate Tupperware. Check on them regularly and that's about it. Smoke em, don't bother sending them back. As far as plume, its all BS. There is a 3rd party lab that has asked for people to send in their sticks with "supposed" plume for years now (even the stuff people describe as dusty crystals), its all been different varieties of mold, every single one of them (even the ones that have been "aged correctly in the right RH and temperature). I have had a couple sticks that were definitely aged correctly and had some crystalline structures, this will tend to congregate around the veins. There is a thread on here that discusses this and all the different variants (, as well as many other threads, and there is a link to one of the groups that identified all the different "plume" variants as different strains of mold. Don't believe a retailer that tells you it's plume and a good sign of aging correctly. Especially one that says mold is only green. There are thousands of different types of mold. All BS to sell sticks.I've been in several cigar shops that had obvious mold on the sticks in their cases, and when I pointed it out they said it was plume. I told them they were unequivicolly wrong, that it was mold and they shoud take care of it. They told me that they knew more about it than I did. They were fools.
I've recieved moldy cigars before, and each time I've been old it was plume. Each time it was really mold. Thats' just the standard line that companies with BAD customer service give you.
Cigars don't plume when they are that young, period. Also, what's in these pictures is so obviously mold that it's laughable. If you look at it very closely, you can see that they are tiny "tree" or "mushroom" shapes. He's also wrong about mold always being colored. Haven't you ever seen white mold on some food that is too old?
Plume is very tiny crystals, often looking like powder. It tends to be more wide-spread as opposed to isolated "colonies" like mold (notice in these pictures the substance is in tiny circles here and there .. those are mold colonies). Mold is also much taller (sticks out farther) than plume.
I recently dug out a cigar that was covered in white stuff. My first thought was that it was mold, but when I looked closely it was definately plume. It was thin powder, not raised up off the wrapper. It dusted off very easily (and the cigar was great!).
In any event, just wipe the mold off like has been discussed and the sticks should be okay.
Stamets is a hero of mine. He's out there, but he's a genius. Though I think he usually focuses on mushrooms rather than mold.There is a mycologist you can send the pictures in too, and even samples of the mold, if you want to go that far with it, who will likely run tests for you. He is not affiliated with the lab that does this, but is one of the leading mycologists in the world and has discovered many new mycelium variants, his name is Paul Stamets. Look him up, I'm sure you can find his contact info through his website.
Haha, nope I have to use my laptop to perform my necromancing skills to their fullest potentialStamets is a hero of mine. He's out there, but he's a genius. Though I think he usually focuses on mushrooms rather than mold.
Curious though, are you using Tapatalk? Cause this is some pretty heavy duty thread necromancy..![]()
Yeah, I think that's the article that @Burnaz16 was talking about. Australia Biotech LaboratoriesPlume is very, very very rare and extremely rare. Check out this study: