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Luckysaturn13 s Dog Rocket Reviews!

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Jul 30, 2017
Congrats on the new job.

You deserve receiving a box to your place...
Can’t say shit around this MF without someone lurking, LMAO!

Still tentative, I’ve accepted and waiting on all the paperwork to process. Supposed to have my first day of training on 4/9 in Chicago, we’ll see how it goes. I’ve been off work since August of last year and really enjoying my down time LOL.
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May 21, 2017
Can’t say shit around this MF without someone lurking, LMAO!

Still tentative, I’ve accepted and waiting on all the paperwork to process. Supposed to have my first day of training on 4/9 in Chicago, we’ll see how it goes. I’ve been off work since August of last year and really enjoying my down time LOL.
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
I’m a maybe right now. I have to check my stash tomorrow for some dog rockets and do some inventory.

Sent from my cellular device via crapatalk
As stated several times prior, this is no longer a dog rocket pass. Its actually mid grade with rhe side car of dog rocket roulette. No need to have rockets to participate. But the fun comes from the game.
We could change threads, but the premise is still there, review a stick and find out if it was a dog rocket or if you were duped with a premium.
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Sep 13, 2014
As stated several times prior, this is no longer a dog rocket pass. Its actually mid grade with the side car of dog rocket roulette. No need to have rockets to participate. But the fun comes from the game.
We could change threads, but the premise is still there, review a stick and find out if it was a dog rocket or if you were duped with a premium.
1- Thanks for reinforcing that point, Eran. Yeah guys, this is just a community "cigar swap" . With a small bag of "mystery smoke challenge" sticks included on the side.
The "boner bag" is clearly marked, and optional to partake. As bad as those "challenge sticks" are, it's still better than doing the cinnamon or tide pod challenge. :vomit:

2- Herfdog's been in all the passes, I believe. We've had no trouble with Canada in the past. My earlier point was just that he's only done "receive and send"
Hosting the project just creates a little more postal traffic up there, originally. I'm still up for being a "pack man' for the generous brothers that help get the box
started, Then I'll throw my donation as well, and ship the Bondo, Multiuseless and EO80 sticks up to Canada. But now I'm kinda thinking yeah, maybe us three should
just independently ship our inventory up to Canada. We are up to 12 players. So I agree, we should close recruitment soon. (y)

3- If BigSkySmoke plans to be on the move soon, maybe we can get him up early in the run list.
But that's up to the Chief Logistics Officer. We break up our organizational duties for a good reason. He can figure that shit out. :joyful:
I still have to release the official logo for DRP 4 !! :artist:

OK, back to this. So we add @ZippoGeek as confirmed.
Holding @akpreacherplayz and @BigSkySmoke as Tentative :sneaky:

1. Avatar (LA) moved to warm...
2. Herfpuppy (CN)
3. Bondo 440 (PA)
4. Apesmokes (AZ)
5. Opie (CT)
6. Coincrazed (MO )
7. EO80 ( MO )
8. Multiuseless (MO)
9. bwhite220 (AR)
10. Tug197 (FL)
11. NMpokerDealer ( N.M.)
12. Zippogeek (NY)
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Oct 21, 2016
Chi-kah-go (not Chi-caw-go)
Can’t say shit around this MF without someone lurking, LMAO!

Still tentative, I’ve accepted and waiting on all the paperwork to process. Supposed to have my first day of training on 4/9 in Chicago, we’ll see how it goes. I’ve been off work since August of last year and really enjoying my down time LOL.
Hit me up dude!
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Sep 13, 2014
I can confirm. All the pass, plus many other challenges.
And here's been a launching point for many bombs as well.
Is it me or we need more explanation than on first round?
Sounds like our CEO Herfdog is barking again. :playful:
@EO80 , @multi-useless , we'd better just get our starter paks up to Yan, before the neighbors start complaining about the noise !
I'll have mine in the mail by Wed.

I motion the aforesaid suggestion that as soon as one of the starter paks hit Herfdog, recruitment should close. Can I get an "Amen" ?
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Sep 13, 2014
I figured that was the case but I like to say Amen. :)
HaHa ! Thanks for the opportunity to jump on your ass with that ! Actually this "formality" part is somewhat a necessity . Keeps people from getting bent out of shape if they can't get in. Or latecomers trying to squeezed in and modifying shipping points in the middle of the pass.
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