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Favorite activity

Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
Either vherf with the guys, surf the forum or watch netflix in the garage for most of the year. Once the weather allows it will be chillin in the back yard watching the stars and pondering the big questions, like which beverage should i be partaking right now.
Jan 26, 2018
Sitting on my pation by myself listing to radio, or reading a good book. Second would be at when our Cigar Ciub get together talking with other member. Thank goodness most are not on their phone texting, etc., they understand the art of conversation.
Very true, and it is disrespecting to the others in the group when a person will be busy over the phone!
Jan 26, 2018
I work in a construction company, where for my very good luck, smoking is allowed.
So smoking in my office, alone, "only" when I just finished some big tasks and have the time to do "nothing", this big box that we have in our brain that ladies cannot understand "How can we do nothing" :D
Beside that, reading and checking the forum to learn from other BOTLs.
Long Leaf!
Jun 11, 2015
Surfing BOTL with an ice tea or reading my weekly newspaper with an ice tea. Both happen on the back deck listening to all the different birds singing, or listening to the kids in the pool.
Jan 28, 2018
Generally sitting on the porch or deck just enjoying life and counting my blessings. Once a month, poker night with "the boys". And my best time is coming this weekend as I am visiting my son in Austin and we will have some nice quiet father/son smoking times.
Aug 1, 2017
Very true, and it is disrespecting to the others in the group when a person will be busy over the phone!

The funny thing is it is people in their 30's, 40's, 50's, etc., who just never ever let the phone down. It is a sickness, addiction, or what ever you want to call it.

I was in the grocery store the boy bagging my groceries appoligise do for have to stop to reply to a text? Serveral weeks later I ask the manager of the store if this practice was allowed. He replied no being on personal phone is against the rules, he deals with it daily. I said he need to enforce the rules.
Mar 18, 2018
Baseball is back. If the D backs are playing I have the laptop tuned in. If no D backs then whatever game is on MLB network at the time. If no baseball at all then I like to check into the forums I follow. Since I'm new here, BOTL is getting a long look lately.

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Oct 21, 2016
Chi-kah-go (not Chi-caw-go)
Baseball is back. If the D backs are playing I have the laptop tuned in. If no D backs then whatever game is on MLB network at the time. If no baseball at all then I like to check into the forums I follow. Since I'm new here, BOTL is getting a long look lately.

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Another baseball man here. Nothing like Cubs day games on the radio, sitting in the shade with a cigar and iced coffee.
Mar 6, 2018
Mid Missouri
Another baseball man here. Nothing like Cubs day games on the radio, sitting in the shade with a cigar and iced coffee.
I remember spending my summers watching Cubs day games on tv(northern MO and got WGN). I remember watching the first night game at Wrigley Field on tv. Never cared much for the Cubs but, it was a baseball game. I also watched the WGN replays of old home run derby’s. Those were fantastic and lead to a lot of wiffle ball challenges. The other team I always remember on tv is the Braves. Didn’t matter to me. Life long Royals fan.
Mar 18, 2018
I remember spending my summers watching Cubs day games on tv(northern MO and got WGN). I remember watching the first night game at Wrigley Field on tv. Never cared much for the Cubs but, it was a baseball game. I also watched the WGN replays of old home run derby’s. Those were fantastic and lead to a lot of wiffle ball challenges. The other team I always remember on tv is the Braves. Didn’t matter to me. Life long Royals fan.
I think Harry was half in the bag that night. I remember that he thought the camera flashes were twinkling lights. WGN and TBS were the only super stations back then. You could almost always catch a game. I miss Harry.

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More Vegueros (or Gurkhas) Please
Mar 29, 2018
I actually got to see them play at the AT&T in 2012 and in 2014, where they later went on and won the world series those seasons. Caught two foul balls during warmups. Not my favorite sport but that was pretty cool.