CRA #99997657
you better get some.Goddamn I haven't wanted some tobacco more than I do right now
Damn enablers here! ( I want some, too )
you better get some.Goddamn I haven't wanted some tobacco more than I do right now would make a cool looking wrapper.
Yes. It’s got more promise than I thoughtAny more updates on the perique?
A buddy at work gave me a "Half Pipe" cigar that was suprisingly good. It was sweetened on the tip and definitely pipe tobacco laden, very pleasant change of pace. I'm toying with ordering some other pipe leaves to add to the mix...
I thought it was the exclusive Pappy that they were using the perique in?Kind of interesting you guys are talking perique. Perique is only found in Louisiana near where I live, there are only a couple of dealers left and a handful of farms growing it. The Drew Estates Barn Burner Louisiana event last year was held at the dealer they use in Convent LA. As part of the event, we got a tour and explanation of the process. It is rolled and placed in a whisky barrel and under 600# psi stored that way for a year, and soaking in the juices it is kept wet. The fermenting process is fascinating. Some of the barrels broke from the pressure. Drew Estates uses perique in their larutan cigars. They did say it was only a small amount, but wouldn't say much more. DE uses Kentucky Fire Cured tobacco in the process. If you are fascinate by this I would recommend attending the event this year. I would say it is the best cigar event I have attended. The food, people and information was excellent.