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Sleep study

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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
I had one sleep study and they told me that I was stopping breathing 50+ times an hour and the clinic was very comfortable. The way they wired me up wasn’t an issue.

I am a nose breather so I got the dreamwear nasal pillow mask with the hose at the top of my head. It allows me to turn over and adjust my position will little to no constraints. It was life changing. I told my wife she saved my life by complaining about my snoring. I have so much more energy; which is important as a teacher. It has the added benefit of alleviating my allergies almost completely. It also enjoy cigars more. Don’t give up if there is any chance you might have. Apnea. Many people have died as a result of it, including heart issues resulting from poor oxygenation. I have a close friend who is suffering from heart failure that is finding out may have been caused by Apnea.

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Yeah, that looks quite comfortable.
My wife says i only snore when my nose is stuffed up or when i am sick. Also, i usually wake feeling rested unless i only got a couple hours of sleep. I do not have issues being groggy or feeling sleepy during the day unless the same happens. From the symptoms, it would appear that i should be fine, but who knows. The test will reveal all. Sounds like next weekend is going to be the test.


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Nov 21, 2016
Hammond, LA
snoring is not a sign of apnea by itself, there are two reasons for apnea. I know people that snore and don't have apnea. Obstructive which can be relived by weight loss, and second Central apnea which is a nerve signal issue, where your body stops breathing and does't try to restart. If you watch someone with obstructive, you can observe them trying to inhale but the loose tissue in the neck and throat has closed off the air flow, which prevents deep rem sleep, you have to wake up to move to open the passageway to breathe. Central apnea is a little more uncommon, usually a nerve issue where the signal to breathe is lost or short circuited and you don't attempt to breathe. the technology has improved with cpap machines, so that many can be programmed to treat either type. the first machines for central apnea cost as much as a small car. after all of that a person with apnea is usually a very loud sleeper, my wife sleeps with earplugs, although I don't snore anymore!
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Apr 25, 2018
Also had a sleep study recently. Mine was at a clinic as well. It was tough to sleep for me with all that shit hooked up cause I'm a stomachache sleeper and that's a no no during the study. I was diagnosed with very mild sleep apnea at best, no CPAP machine. Was how ever informed that it could get worse with age or weight gain, or better with weight loss and healthier diet.

I strongly recommend following through with this study because it can be a life saver, literally. I also know many people who use CPAP and love it. I also think you should investigate a clinic study. Not sure how well the at home works. There is no way it can monitor all of the heart functions, oxygen level, tossing, turning, snoring, etc that is very important with these studies. Best of luck.


The Chosen One
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Oct 22, 2014
Akron, Ohio
I just got done with my sleep apnea test a few weeks ago. They do it in your own home now. You get shipped a small device and it has attachments that attach b/t your nose/mouth, one finger, and around your chest. Once you're done you just plug it in to charge and it wirelessly transmits the results. ez pz
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
I just got done with my sleep apnea test a few weeks ago. They do it in your own home now. You get shipped a small device and it has attachments that attach b/t your nose/mouth, one finger, and around your chest. Once you're done you just plug it in to charge and it wirelessly transmits the results. ez pz
This is exactly what i am going to have to do. How was it trying to sleep with that stuff?


The Chosen One
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Oct 22, 2014
Akron, Ohio
Only thing that bothered me was thing that goes above your lip. Kept tickling my nose. Other than that you can sleep however you’d like

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Sep 13, 2014
This is exactly what i am going to have to do. How was it trying to sleep with that stuff?
Had mine done "on site' . Had the apnia. I had a dozen or so... sensors on my chest, back, 3 on my head plus the finger cuff. Wired up like a Xmas Tree. This "test at home" stuff sounds like 4 sensors and the cuff. Just do it when you're tired, and lay off the caffeine that evening.

I got control of the apnia by losing 30 lbs and quitting cigarettes. But during that transition I used a $20 snore (mouth) guard for a while.
I still snore around 4AM for a little while, but it's much less. None of that "stop breathiing 147 times a night ( really) anymore. Sleeping on left side helps. Good Luck Buddy !
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
So i avoided smoking yesterday to make sure my sinuses stayed clear amd popped a double dose of melatonin. Drifted off quickly but by the end of the 4 hrs i had to have it on i was sleeping like crap, tossing and turning.
Oh well, it is over for now. Fingers crossed for the best news.
Thanks again for all the support guys!
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Jun 8, 2016
South Texas
Obstructive Sleep Apnea is not always weight related, I had it when I was 6’6” and 180 pounds. I lost an inch and gained a lot of weight, but that just increased my pressure. Been on a CPAP for over half my life, and will be till I die unless I have my sinuses rebuilt.
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
Ok. So i finally got my results. It says i have moderate sleep apnea and i need a machine. What sucks, is that insurance is not really going to cover it because i keep a high deductable since i never go to the doc anyway.
Also, they screwed up my records at the last appt when they told me i needed to go in. They added 30lbs to my weight and put me at risk so i needed to take the test. Talk about shady dealings!
Oh well, rant over.
I am guess i am one of you now. Time to shell out some cash! Fml!
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Jun 10, 2017
Then there are the periodic replacement of air filters, masks, mask cushions, tubes and humidity tanks. It’s one of the reasons I chose the higher premium with a lower deductible. You may want to look into changing plans at the next open enrollment. The major items are the mask and cushions. The mask adjustments steatch out and the Velcro wears out so the mask needs to be replaces a couple times a year, depending on the type you choose. The mask cushions begin to lose the ability to seal after a while because of the oils on your skin build up and degrade silicone. Depending on the mask style and time of year I replace mine cushions every 30 to 60 days. Closer to 30 in the summer and longer in the winter.
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Feb 11, 2015
Joplin, MO
Then there are the periodic replacement of air filters, masks, mask cushions, tubes and humidity tanks. It’s one of the reasons I chose the higher premium with a lower deductible. You may want to look into changing plans at the next open enrollment. The major items are the mask and cushions. The mask adjustments steatch out and the Velcro wears out so the mask needs to be replaces a couple times a year, depending on the type you choose. The mask cushions begin to lose the ability to seal after a while because of the oils on your skin build up and degrade silicone. Depending on the mask style and time of year I replace mine cushions every 30 to 60 days. Closer to 30 in the summer and longer in the winter.
Yeah, sadly it will not be til november that i can change my plan. I am going after work to talk to a place that sells them and offers some refurbished models that are certified and half the price.
Thanks for the heads up on the seals and masks.