What are the assumptions?
The first assumption is that this gives you a starting point, a reference point, something to start with.
The second assumption I make is to use this for approximate size. You could assume mass if you wanted to but I don't have a scale nor leaf RH meter so I just go by approximate size.. It's still just a starting point so you can make adjustments.
The third assumprion I make when using this thumbrule, is multiply your total leaf count by two to find what your formula "should" add up to. If you have a total of 3 leaves, the formula adds up to 6. If you are rolling a bigger cigar and have a total of 4 leaves, it should add up to 8. If you are rolling a smaller cigar, such as I often do for my ride to work, then the total will be less than 6.
This is simply a method to use as a reference and make adjustments while trying to maintain the desired core blend. It provides a weighting structure to allow a roller to change a blend with a planned outcome rather than a totally random adjustment.
Say you make a 1:1:1 cigar but feel it needed adjustment one way or another. Use the formula to take an educated guess at your adjustments.
I saved this from a post long ago, I can't recall which thread it was in but in my notes, I creditted Blake. I hope you don't mind me quoting you here Blake (
@blisscigarco ).
Blending Rules by
@blisscigarco :
The 1 2 3 = 6 blending rule
Seco = 1, viso 2, ligero 3.
Total for a good blend should be 6-6.5 pts across 3-3.5 leaves for a medium-sized vitola.
Sample blends that I have rolled and I know are good:
1 seco(1), 1 viso(2), 1 ligero(3) = 6
More burn, rich flavor:
2 seco(2) + 1/2 viso(1) + 1 ligero(3) = 6
Strong and good:
1.5 seco(1.5) + 1.5 ligero(4.5) = 6
Med-Strong with an emphasis on viso aroma: .5 seco(.5) + 2 viso (4) + .5 ligero(1.5) = 6
Strong with emphasis on ligero flavor:
1 seco(1) + 1/4 viso(.5) + 1.5 ligero(4.5) = 6
Mild but with good viso aroma:
2 seco(2) + 2 viso(4) = 6
Classic mild Cuban robusto:
1 seco(1) + 2 viso(4) + "skinny 1/2, i.e. 1/3" ligero(1) = 6
Anyway gents, have fun and keep rolling.
Edit: found this on page three of the Blending Thread