CRA #99997657
Great thread. Thank you for starting it and sharing.
You can buy seeds online; I sprouted some a few years ago just to watch them grow, lots of them sprouted but they didn't survive transplanting... lemme know if you can't find them online, and I'll see if I can find any that I might have leftover for ya. Germination rate might be low since they're a few years old at this point, but you could probably still get a few plants from themNot sure where to get seeds tho.
Next year I want to plant a couple of tobacco plants simply to watch them grew. They are really interesting plants. Not sure where to get seeds tho. Only need 3 or 4 probably to get one or two plants.
Great project you have!
I'd like to take a class from you a few years hence.Well it looks like all my Nitrogen, Phospherous and Potash are all on the lower side. Hmmm. Interesting since I have been using a tomato based fertilizer as tobacco and tomatoes share the same requirements for soil content.
@blisscigarco That's awful nice of you to say. I do hope that people will be able to use this thread for their own benefit of growing at home. Its definitely been a rewarding experience. These plants require a level of care that most people, unless you're an avid gardener or don't have the time, wont or cant put in. I have really learned this is a slow process. Aging and curing will be even slower I presume. As always Im always open to comments, concerns and questions.Interesting journey, good luck and good learning.
I'd like to take a class from you a few years hence.
I’m near Ft. Campbell, KY in south western KY. Your plants are looking great! We got a storm here last night too, my plants seemed to have done fine though.
Jody year I want to plant a couple of tobacco plants simply to watch them grew. They are really interesting plants. Not sure where to get seeds tho. Only need 3 or 4 probably to get one or two plants.
Great project you have!
Something’s been eating at the leafs on my plants too but I can never find them when I look for them. After seeing those little critters on your plants I think I need to take another look. Those suckers blend right in.