I raided my stash today...
... to assemble a travel trove. From the Lorenzo Carniceros rolled November 2016 to the T-13s rolled last month. Two baker's dozens; five varieties. This stash and four ABS telescoping cigar tubes. Not many for a month; but I figure I'll be smoking too many over-priced, over blent, and over-hyped $tore $tix in various cigar lounges much of the time. These 30 are for the lucky occasions I find a compatible soul or sylvan solitude.
I'm riding a new-to-me Kawasaki Versys 650LT across country all next month to celebrate my 70th. I've named her Sierra, cause this will likely be the last time I see them Sierras. Leaving next Saturday. Tool bags, rain gear, camping outfit, etc. etc. already packed. Have this box prepared, but it will be one of the last items to go in, along with shirts and shorts. I've got Sierra all prepped with everything from center stand to ambient thermometer to on board en route USB charger outlet. Stoked.
This is what stash is for.