i think i've probably written this somewhere before, but i recall my first smoking of a cigar back when i was about 12. snuck one of my uncle's dutch masters out of my grandmother's house and smoked it while i hid outside. i was amazed that it didn't make me sick, as that is what i had always been told. through high school and college i was into the A&C grenadiers and later the backwoods pouches. then the world changed when i met my wife to be. her family owned a tobacco store in the netherlands. i was introduced to dry cured sumatran sticks that were very different than anything we had here. i would occasionally get a cuban back during the 70's which could blow your head off. but the R&J cazadore was one of my favorites.
i eventually started buying at local b&m's, finding whatever was the strongest. at that time is was mostly honduran sticks and i would go through boxes of them. when the boom came around, it was very interesting. there was still a search for that powerful stick, but you had to wade through so much crap because every scrap, and i mean scrap, of tobacco from anywhere was getting rolled and sold by a new brand. it's really interesting to go back and find old issues of CA and look at the ads. see how many of the brands in there are no longer around!
eventually, the interweb slowly came into existence, and i found out there were brands out there that weren't necessarily made by the major companies. i'm not really sure how i first heard about tatuaje, but through their extremely limited website at that time, i called the dozen or so shops that carried their cigars, only to find they were rarely in stock. i think pete was probably the first owner that i was able to talk to at length, because most people weren't that familiar with the brand, and had no idea who HE was. that was 10+ years ago and i have since met several brand owners and have been the guest of both drew estates and my father cigars on trips to nicaragua. it is something that any serious cigar smoker must do. to see all of the people involved from seed to final product is amazing.
of course the other thing that i always like to relate, is the first time i went to a botl herf long ago. it was in san diego. there were a lot fewer members then. and it took some convincing for my family to understand that i wanted to fly to san diego and meet up with a bunch of "online" guys whom i had never actually met, and stay at a location that i didn't know the whereabouts of. what could possibly go wrong???? well, nothing did go wrong. i found the most welcoming happy group of guys i could possibly imagine. all walks of life were included. and during that whole long weekend i did not hear one cross word uttered. pretty amazing! most of the names aren't around any more. although a few are. here's some names you may not have heard of.... electric sheep, halon, smokem94, greg, gibbleguts, dpricenator, volusianator, boppa wasch, moro. it was one of the finest times i've had. really taught me a lot about botl and the brotherhood.