How do you like the pouches? I had a buddy switch from chew to pouches and says its better.
They're much neater.... But I always felt like i had to line my lip with 3-4 pouches to even get the slightest kick from them... You also dont get that initial uber bitter flavor... But then again... The flavor you want was also muted to me.How do you like the pouches? I had a buddy switch from chew to pouches and says its better.
I actually was using them for medical purposes & just never switched from them. I had a bad underbite through all of my youth. They had to wait for my bones to quit growing to fix it. I had simultaneous upper & lower jaw surgery in my early twenties to correct it. But because of that & crooked teeth, I was in braces most of the way through high school & the first half of my twenties. So, pouches for me.How do you like the pouches? I had a buddy switch from chew to pouches and says its better.
Whiskey and sugar/syrup.What's the flavor profile on that? I chewed cope mint pouches when I was hiding it from my ex, now I chew cope mint long cut
Ill have to see if they have it in these partsWhiskey and sugar/syrup.
I seen it at a 7-11 convenience store on friday. I can mule you a tin or two if you want. Let me know if you can’t find it and want to try I’ll pick it up.Ill have to see if they have it in these parts
I've heard that brushing them is a way to prevent tooth loss.used to chew alot but stopped because I like my teeth.