So I cracked open this tin of C&D Oak Alley this morning & to my surprise there was a spot of mold on the top of the cake. I’ve had it a little over a week or two & it’s been sealed in the unopened tin, with the metal top still on & sealed, in the cabinet. The thermostat in the house stays on 68 & all my other tobacco is fine. I removed the little section of mold & put the rest of the cake in a mason jar. Guess I’ll keep an eye on it for a while, but I don’t know how it got mold to begin with. I read that this particular blend was part of their cellar series & gets better over time if you just store it for a while before opening & smoking. That was my intention, but I decided I really wanted to try it & if I liked it I’d buy more to put back for a while. I’m glad I went ahead & opened it now. Thoughts?