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Aug 18, 2005
Chicago NW burbs
Did you commit your Antiquari to Lakelands (or Lakeland-esque)?
I've never had anything Lakeland, but have read more than a few ghosting horror stories.
I've not run into this with my other pipes, but I don't smoke the scented Lakeland blends either. This Castello was an estate that has just a touch of a Lakeland ghost, so I figure it's a good one to use for this baccy. The ghosting is almost gone though as I've smoked a few Burley blends in it.
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Aug 18, 2005
Chicago NW burbs
Interesting, @ak2000.
I've always avoided Lakelands.
Figured, do I need this hassle when there are 1,000s of other blends to enjoy?
Descriptors like 'soapy' and 'perfumy' just don't pique my interest.
That is very present in their scented blends, but most of the unscented ones that I really enjoy it's either very mild or non-existant. As example, the GH ribbon baccy like Kendall Dark, Kendall Kentucky, Dark Birdseye, etc. are all just straight tobacco.