With the warm weather coming, I usually start wandering away from whiskeys in favor of beers or rum. Time to take a hard look at the open table and decide which ones I want to keep around, and which I should target for termination. This Bond and Lillard is an easy target, being a 375ml.
Made at WT (but without Jimmy and Eddie Russell), it's a odd, ill-conceived corporate Campari idea. Msrp for this (and its twin release, Old Ripy, together called the Whiskey Barons series) is $50 for the 375... The series was a flop, so needless to say, I found this on 50% off sale. Still not cheap, but makes it a little easier to justify trying.
Tastes pretty good, actually. Not $100 a 750ml good, but drinkable. Very light color attributed to a charcoal filtration, but it's similar to the standard WT101 without the rough edges. Slight grain note that is quickly overwhelmed by a sweet carmel flavor. 7yrs, 100 proof. Enjoyable, but needs to leave the shelf...