Well, we live and learn. I’ve seen a few people with the mechanical broadheads and when they do the field dressing will take a pic of a vital organ if one was hit and show how much it’ll do if you hit them right.I've got some rage mechanicals that I picked up last year when midwayusa put them on clearance.. but I havent ever shot them.. I know a lot of guys rave about the superiority of mechanicals (better accuracy, bigger wound channels, etc).. but I dont shoot much past about 30 yards and dont have a problem keeping 3" groups at that distance.. so accuracy isnt really an issue.. and I prefer reliability over potential wound channel.. so I have stuck with fixed BH's for the most part...
The stingers come razor sharp out of the package and are very easy to keep sharp.. but.. they arent as durable as a Montec.. hit a shoulder bone square with a stinger and you will likely penetrate straight through and into the vitals.. but there is also a pretty good chance you will damage the broadhead beyond repair with that shot as well.... whereas with a G5 youre likely going to crash through the shoulder and hit vitals (assuming you could get it sharp enough prior to using it) and worst case scenario is it is going to come out dull and need to be resharpened before you can use it again..
On the wildebeest referenced above sharpness was an issue and that animal was the primary reason I switched (even though the BH did do its job and ultimately dropped the animal)..
I took a couple of practice shots just before going out that morning.. which dulled the BH (1 shot into a practice target shouldnt have had that much impact.. but it did.. I only fired 3x arrows, 1 time each, to make sure my sights were on and everything with the bow was still ok after traveling 10,000+ miles to the hunt location).. so when I launched on the wildebeest (63lb draw at 18 yards..) what should have easily been a pass through shot resulted in the arrow only penetrating about 7" and just barely reaching vitals..
As soon as he was hit the bastard took off at a lightning fast pace and literally didnt stop running for miles.. we (me, the guide/PH, and the tracker) tracked him for 5 hours.. and then lost him..
Thankfully we recovered him the next day.. at some point in the night he went to a watering hole and finally died.. and was found the next morning by another hunter that was hunting over the watering hole..
Several lessons learned on that hunt.. most of them negative..
The way people argue and fight sometimes over the broadheads via the interwebs is just unreal. But there’s always some people who try to give valid recommendations and points for broadheads, like you have for me and others who might be reading.
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