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Well, I have found my next stashable blend. Didn't take long. Very unusual blend for me, because a) it includes ligero, and b) it includes so many types of leaf. Here's the deal:
1/2 large WLT Nic Hab ligero
1 large WLT Condega seco
2 small WLT Condega viso
1/2 WLT Habano 92 wrapper for binder
1/2 WLT Los Rios wrapper
5 different leafs from 3 different countries. The taste reminds my of a box of Nat Shermans I bought way back in the dark ages. I think they were called Host Selection. But, who knows, that was so long ago I have no right to cite them now. At any rate, this present gar blend combines that moody Nic darkness I like with the spicy Dom nutmeggery I like.
Parenthetically: I highly recommend the Los Rios wrapper. Aromatic and workable.
Sorry for the poor pic. I promise a better one when I get the flag/band on. I am waiting for a device intended to make a unique band/flag. Hope it works. USPS tracking promises delivery today. However, tracking shows the device caroming around, rather like a rotating battlebot after a good thump. Started in Plymouth, went to Detroit, then to Hyatssville, then to Wilmington, then Philly, now back in DC again. It's presently in a "Distribution Facility". My experience has been that once a package reaches what's called a Distribution Facility, no prompt distribution occurs. Anyways, better pics later.