Been doing a lot of controlled blending lately. Same set of leaves, vast number of variations, consistent binder and wrapper, consistent ratios across three major vitolas: corona, robusto, panatela. I've finally found what I think is the basic magic key, given a quality set of tasty leaves. Funny thing is, the key is hidden right in that blending graphic near the top of this thread! At first the graphic can seem a little vague, and your attention goes to the circular construction rather than the fact that it is actually showing you two subtle variations of three different vitolas: Churchil, lancero, corona, all of which share nearly the same blend. The gold key can be found at the corona, the strongest of those three blends: the Cohiba Siglo III and to a lesser degree the Quai d'Orsay:
1 volado aka seco
2 seco aka viso
.5 ligero
The variations occur between the 2 and the .5. Maybe you tweak to 2.5 and .25.
Your starting point is really 1 seco(volado) and two viso(seco). With quality leaf that will make a great smoke. Then you get a sense of how much extra boost in flavor and strength you want to try. So you put in .25 or .5 ligero and see what happens.
So in a nutshell I went through 72 blends between 3 secos and 3 visos and ended up back at that famous chart! 1 2 .5. That is the essence of a great and classic blend.
Now, you'll notice that 1 1 1 is a typical Cuban blend often demonstrated. But I believe that if you also at least try the magical 1 2 .5 that you won't regret it.
With thanks to @MM154 for prompting me to review this thread, and @blisscigarco for sharing the info years ago, I think I will try this blending ratio out on my next batch....