Couldn't take it anymore and began the cut today.

NONE of my damn clothes fit and I'm feeling just fat and bloated all the time. While it's wonderful to feel all of the sleeves on your shirts pushed to their's not so fun feeling it on the waistband of your pants.
That said, I'll consider these past 4ish months to be a successful bulk. Took my arms from 14.5" and 14.25" to 16" and 15.75" respectively. Can bank on that being mostly good muscle gain because heaven knows I seem to only store fat in my stomach. Traps have gotten bigger and the delts have as well. Chest has gotten bigger but looks like &$^# without a shirt on and my gut is a $&#*ing tragedy.
Day one of the cut. Eating at -500, and adding 2 miles of walking in addition to the weights.
See you in a few months, size 32 pants...oh how I've missed you. LET'S DOOOOOOO THIS!