BoM - July '05 & Dec. '10
Here's a new one for ya!
Facing a $1 billion budget deficit, Michigan state House Democrats have proposed the natural addition to such a weighted spending plan: free iPods for every kid. Ostensibly for educational purposes, the $38 million plan would provide iPods or MP3 players to every student in Michigan to use as a learning tool. We've seen laptops -- which Michigan (and Virginia) handed out to its students a few year back -- and even PSPs be put to such educational use, but iPods are a bit of a new one on us. Pearson Education does have that curriculum for the iPod, and bought Apple's PowerSchool a little while back, but this would undoubtedly be the largest rollout of such curriculum to date. That said, we're all for the insanity, 'cause just like our iPod always told us: "We don't need no education... Teachers leave those kids alone." And if the iPod says it, it must be true!
Facing a $1 billion budget deficit, Michigan state House Democrats have proposed the natural addition to such a weighted spending plan: free iPods for every kid. Ostensibly for educational purposes, the $38 million plan would provide iPods or MP3 players to every student in Michigan to use as a learning tool. We've seen laptops -- which Michigan (and Virginia) handed out to its students a few year back -- and even PSPs be put to such educational use, but iPods are a bit of a new one on us. Pearson Education does have that curriculum for the iPod, and bought Apple's PowerSchool a little while back, but this would undoubtedly be the largest rollout of such curriculum to date. That said, we're all for the insanity, 'cause just like our iPod always told us: "We don't need no education... Teachers leave those kids alone." And if the iPod says it, it must be true!