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Hello, from back here in WV


Old blind guy yelling at the sun..
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Jun 5, 2023
Greetings all, and thanks for having me.
I hail from the eastern mountains of WV on the Va border from whence I came. Grew up in the Shenandoah Valley of Va, made a life their for almost five decades then retreated into the hills of WV just across the mountains from the valley.
As many of us know, couple years ago the world flipped upside down and when it did my vision took a hit. It had nothing to do with the global thing that went on, actually a genetic issue I was unaware of and now I’m “visually impaired” so to speak. Won’t ever lose all my vision but enough that I’m classified as disabled. So being back here in the mountains where life is slower and people are much kinder and more laid back has helped me a lot.
I like short walks to the lake river or streams I fish (bank angler). I’m a short walking distance to a small lake so I’m a bit spoiled in this regard. Fishing has pissed off my therapist because I don’t see her as much because honestly, I find the peace I’ve been looking for my whole life standing on the banks of a body of water fishing more so than in a room talking to her. She don’t see me as much but that’s okay because I’m doing fine. Being outdoors after years of working and being indoors all the time has opened my eyes to many things I’ve been missing in life. The fish keep me company.
I’ve played guitar and things with strings for all of my life. Buying selling building repairing and most importantly playing kept me quite busy. Still have some around just don’t play much anymore.
Got five kids, three are adults now and two teens still at home. Three dogs, two cats, and an unwelcome groundhog under my house.
At a very young age, I became aware of cigars thanks to my grandfather. After he passed, I decided to dip my toe into the cigar world at 19 to see what I was missing. That was around 30 years ago. Since then I’ve smoked cigars off and on until the last decade or so where I’ve always had some around, smoked anywhere from one a week to three a day. As a side note, I did smoke cigarettes for quite some time as well. Not a good idea but it is what it is as they say. Don’t smoke them anymore, finally dropped the cigarette habit a few years ago. Anyways, in late 2017 I became intrigued with pipe tobacco (helped me drop the cigarettes) and since then been cellaring and smoking my pipes much more than I expected I would. I did what everyone did and started with aromatic pipe tobacco which I feel was a mistake given my tobacco history. Hated it. Wasn’t until I tried dunhill 965 that something clicked. I fell in love with the flavors. Since then I’ve tried several styles and thus far I really like burley’s (no surprise) straight Va, vapers, and English blends. Haunted bookshop and PSLNF are two I buy in bulk. A lot. Maybe too much? (heresy!). I’ve acquired some estate briars and bought some new ones but tend to gravitate to my MM cobs mostly. I have dedicated certain styles of blends to certain briar pipes and it seems to have worked out well for me. I like strong blends, blends with robust flavor, nicotine doesn’t phase me in the pipe tobacco realm. As for the cigars, I spent many years indulging in dark wrapper sticks that were quite stout. Guess my palate is becoming more refined or maybe burned out after decades of strong smoke because now I lean towards smoother creamier cigars. I still keep some powerhouse strong smokes around but I like to age them a couple years before smirking them as they tend to become smoother even though they are still medium to full bodied. Maduros are my happy place. Currently hoarding Oliva Master blend 3s when I can find good deals online for them.
Hope this is enough about me. Sorry for the wall of text. I tend to ramble sometimes. Sorry for that in advance.
Again, thanks for having me,

Had to edit it a few times, sorry about that. Noticed I misspelled some stuff and some things could use more context.

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Jan 30, 2017
Welcome, that part of WV is gorgeous. So many of us start with strong cigars looking for that kick in the tail flavor profile but after a while we start to appreciate a broader range of flavors and expand our horizons a bit.


Suburban Legend
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Apr 14, 2020
Howdy from Texas! Also a lifelong fisherman here, and I'll say that the summer I spent in St. Albans, WV as a kid showed me some of the best fishing and prettiest country I've had the pleasure of experiencing.


Old blind guy yelling at the sun..
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Jun 5, 2023
Howdy from Texas! Also a lifelong fisherman here, and I'll say that the summer I spent in St. Albans, WV as a kid showed me some of the best fishing and prettiest country I've had the pleasure of experiencing.
I got into fishing about five years ago. Before moving into WV. Found what I’ve been missing for a long time. When I got my fishing license this year I became aware of the trout run. Stockings all over the place and people go nuts back here. The golden trout are beautiful. Thus far I’ve not figured them out. They don’t like me I think. I’m still on the hunt but caught ole ty of bluegill, perch, and smallmouth so it’s not a total loss. DNR back here is stocking catfish now. Went to a lake yesterday they just stocked and nothing was biting anything. Not even the catfish. Looking into getting a fly rod setup and learn some new skills this fall when it cools off a little bit and I can spend all day out. Fly fishing is intriguing to me I must admit and looks like a lot of fun. And the fly fishermen around here seem to be the only ones catching the big ones. Now that it’s warming up I fish early morning for a few hours or wait till about 6pm to hit the banks in the evening. Mid day the bite has been turned off it seems. Planning a weekend hike upstream from a lake in a few weeks to see what’s hiding in the mountain streams. I hear there are some good ones lurking in places many people won’t go.

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Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
Welcome to BOTL from Minnesota @WVangler :cigar:

Great introduction! I was fortunate to learn about "nature therapy" early in life and along with my strong faith has helped me cope with a lot of curveballs that life has thrown at me.

I sure hope you enjoy your time here :giggle:
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Jan 25, 2022
Saludos desde Colombia, hope you settle in well. Never been to WV area mountains which is a pretty big surprise. I love the mountains or the beach and no where in between. (I live in a valley in one of the tres cordilleras in western south america - lots of trout).

Glad to hear you are somewhat at peace, as much as can be expected.
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Jun 10, 2023
Welcome from the Atlanta, GA area. I'm not a fisherman but it's not too late. I've never spent a ton of time in WV - not sure why. I have a good friend I work with that was a Tight End at WVU.