Yeah!I was talkin about Hot Fuzz.
I wanna know where you shoot a guy in his head to make it explode.
Yeah!I was talkin about Hot Fuzz.
Same here, all the Romeros, Peter Jacksons early work and even co-run a Spanish Zombie forum!!I own a ton of Zombie flicks
Love, Music, Horror, Volcanos. Cinema was never meant to be like this!
The hills are alive with the sound of screaming!C234DCE6B372539B!159.entryI am totally prepared for a zombie invasion. I have guns, food, water, beer, wine and a generator.
I figure my gf and I could last at least two weeks before we had to eat the dogs.
We must even know how to survive the humble tomato :devilheadAs with all disasters, the more you know, the better off you will be.