Everyone around me, always always always ask me a few questions and some stupid ones. We all work with dum-dums and we all have a few friends that are not so bright but for some reason they have made it this far in life.
One question I’ve been asked but don’t answer it.
Did Eric have his stuff in order before he passed?
As a widows point of view, and I’m gonna say this LET YOUR SPOUSE KNOW YOUR SHIT!
We all have our hobbies and small businesses on the side. And we tend not to let our other half not know about it. We have our reasons not to.
Babe and I had our separate stuff but the moment we moved in together I told him ‘you see this plastic folder? This contains everything you need the moment I die. Only my sister and now you, know about it.’
Easy, right?
You know what Babe gave me?
Any guesses. . .
A piece of white paper… folded, note said ‘emergency’, clear packing tape all around.
I shit you not..
If your spouse is the one you plan on spending the rest of your life with, let them know your stuff.
Passwords. Seriously don’t just say ‘on my apple computer, there’s a key icon that’s where all my passwords are at’. Write that shit down.
Hobbies/side business, especially the ones with monthly/yearly dues. And I’m not talking about utilities and mortgage payments.
Life insurance, birth certificate, ss#, IRS (if you owe), title to vehicle, or at least let them know if you’re paying off or leasing it. If by any chance you have extra kids around the world. Hey, my uncle has 17 kids maybe more with 4 ladies, that we know for sure. Oh, KEYS TO HUMIDORS.
If it wasn’t for Mikey and Derek, I would not know how to navigate BOTL. Well still learning. There are still things I don’t know nor understand.
And don’t be scare to talk about death. I swear I thought I was gonna go first.
~ Maria G
One question I’ve been asked but don’t answer it.
Did Eric have his stuff in order before he passed?
As a widows point of view, and I’m gonna say this LET YOUR SPOUSE KNOW YOUR SHIT!
We all have our hobbies and small businesses on the side. And we tend not to let our other half not know about it. We have our reasons not to.
Babe and I had our separate stuff but the moment we moved in together I told him ‘you see this plastic folder? This contains everything you need the moment I die. Only my sister and now you, know about it.’
Easy, right?
You know what Babe gave me?
Any guesses. . .
A piece of white paper… folded, note said ‘emergency’, clear packing tape all around.
I shit you not..
If your spouse is the one you plan on spending the rest of your life with, let them know your stuff.
Passwords. Seriously don’t just say ‘on my apple computer, there’s a key icon that’s where all my passwords are at’. Write that shit down.
Hobbies/side business, especially the ones with monthly/yearly dues. And I’m not talking about utilities and mortgage payments.
Life insurance, birth certificate, ss#, IRS (if you owe), title to vehicle, or at least let them know if you’re paying off or leasing it. If by any chance you have extra kids around the world. Hey, my uncle has 17 kids maybe more with 4 ladies, that we know for sure. Oh, KEYS TO HUMIDORS.
If it wasn’t for Mikey and Derek, I would not know how to navigate BOTL. Well still learning. There are still things I don’t know nor understand.
And don’t be scare to talk about death. I swear I thought I was gonna go first.
~ Maria G