I just looked at its progression of HB 9 and found out that it was put on the intent calendar today for a senate vote. This only means it is a matter of time before the senate approves the vote and we have a smoking ban state wide.
Nothing in government is certain ... and people who oppose these idiotic bills need to let their representatives know BEFORE they get a chance to vote. Spread the word down in Texas and show them you believe in private propery rights. The sad day in Texas will be when real cowboys take this shit lying down.
KVII 7 Online
House passes smoking ban bill
Smoking Ban
Tuesday, May 08, 2007 at 3:19 PM
"AUSTIN (AP) - The Texas House today gave final approval to a weakened statewide ban on smoking in bars and restaurant.
But loopholes that still allow patrons to light up -- leave the bill's future in doubt.
Supporters say the bill is needed to protect workers and customers from potentially deadly second-hand smoke.
But opponents say the measure would violate private property rights, is bad for business -- and is just plain mean to smokers.
The House amended the ban to allow business property owners to decide if smoking will be allowed. The owner would have to post a sign in a conspicuous place noting that smoking is permitted.
Texas Senate leadership has suggested the bill will be dead on arrival in the chamber.
Seventeen states, including California and New York, have comprehensive smoking bans.
Houston, Austin, El Paso are among the Texas cities with such bans.
The smoking ban bill is HB9. "