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Man vs Wild

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Dec 12, 2004
Well I already learned his rhyme about coral snakes ...
Red on yellow kills a fellow, Red on black is a friend to Jack.


BoM Nov '05; Mar '06
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Mar 24, 2005
I've known that :sleep:

Me too

For those who haven't seen it:

While filming for their next episode, Les Stroud of "Survivorman" and Bear Grylls of "Man vs. Wild" cross paths in the wilderness of Alaska. Here's what follows:
Bear: It's very important to stay as warm and rubbing animal feces on yourself is a good way to do this. *Hears Footsteps*
Les: Well hey, look who it is. Sh*tface himself, Bear Grylls...
Bear: Oh...Hello Les, get separated from you boy scout troop again. Did Discovery Channel actually give you a 2nd season?
Les: Yes they did. They had no choice. Your roll is to be like the show WildBoyz, I have to be the show that teaches you to survive.
Bear: What, are you jealous that I'm stealing the spotlight?
Les: Yeah, I'm real jealous. I wish I had sh*t on my face and I wish that I used my own piss soaked shirt to keep cool, or drink water from elephant sh*t. COME ON GRYLLS, WHO ARE YOU KIDDING!?
Les: Is that so. So normal people jump out of planes when the go camping in the middle of the Costa Rican jungle. Is that it? Normal people have camera crews following them as the go "deep into the jungle". Normal people choose to eat raw fish or jump into icy water on a glacier when they have a perfectly good fire? Face it, you're a joke. Your just a pretty face that goes hiking and films it!
Bear: You are jealous. Ratings are up on my show and besides, you couldn't cut it doing the extreme things I do. I climbed Everest at age 23, I was in the British SAS until I broke my back, and I crossed the frozen North Atlantic in an inflatable boat just to name a few! You on the other hand are just a musician who likes camping!
Les: My music is boss just like my show is relevant. It's very easy to have to use a broken dirk bike to help you survive in the desert or suffer from rabbit starvation.
Bear: Oh, I forgot you were such a bad ass. I'm out of here. Go play your harmonica and fuck off.
Les: No, please stay. I'm about to do the segment where I teach my viewers how to deal with assbags in the wild.
Bear: Nice joke. You sounded convinced that people actually watch your show! Call me from your stupid satellite phone when you go prime time!...Jackass!
*The two go the separate ways and Bear whispers something to the camera*
Bear: Now I will show you how shitting on a fire log and pissing on a douchebag's shirt can drive the douchebag away!


BoM Nov '05; Mar '06
Rating - 96%
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Mar 24, 2005
This is why I like survivorman better

Bear Grylls has a show on the Discovery Channel called "Man VS Wild" where he battles the elements, quickly builds shelter and eats live animals. I mean this bitch makes it look like he can build a Four Seasons out of 3 twigs during a snowstorm.

Well, sources say that Bear is a big fraud. They say that producers make it look like he's braving it, but when the cameras are turned off Bear checks himself into a luxury hotel.

Mark Weinhart was hired as a consultant to the show and said that it's mostly fake. He said that in an episode where Bear is supposed to be camping in the mountains and biting the heads off of snakes, he was actually spending nights in a hotel complete with jacuzzi and internet access. In another episode where Bear was supposed to be stranded on a deserted island, he was actually staying in a hotel in Hawaii. HA!

The Discovery Channel has launched their own investigation to find out the truth! They said, "Discovery Communications has learned that isolated elements of the 'Man vs. Wild' show in some episodes were not natural to the environment, and that for health and safety concerns the crew and host received some survival assistance while in the field," a spokeswoman for the network said. Moving forward the program will be 100 percent transparent and all elements of the filming will be explained up-front to our viewers. In addition, shows that are to be repeated will be edited appropriately."


I beat you all May '08 :)
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Jan 25, 2007
I'll wait to see what the allegations turn out to be before I make a judgment on this. So far, what they are saying is that he wasn't in the wild on 2 nights because there were health and safety concerns because of unnatural circumstances. From what you see on the show, he braved some ridiculous circumstances, so it would be interesting to hear what those circumstances are. You oftentimes see him turning on the camera at night, so it is not like that would be a common practice.
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Jul 25, 2007
Austin, TX
I have seen most if not all of his shows.

Drinking pee is something that I would never have thought of.

From his bio, it appears he knows his stuff and what he does on the show looks ok too.

He should be on Survivor Island and teach them a thing or two.



BoM March 08
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Jul 25, 2007
The OC
Faked it????? That has got to be the weakest sh!t I've ever heard. It's obvious he has a camera crew, but I figured the reputation of a special forces member that he would at least do the stuff himself. Does anyone know if Survivormanis real?


BoM Nov '05; Mar '06
Rating - 96%
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Mar 24, 2005
Bear Grylls, presenter of 'Born Surivor' has been engulfed in further claims of having faked scenes in an episode of the hit TV show.

In an episode that is yet to be broadcast Grylls had to escape an active volcano in the Pacific by leaping across molten lava and avoiding clouds of 'killer' gas.

However, the episode of Born Survivor set on Mount Kilauea volcano in Hawaii has been unmasked as a fake.

In the latest episode of TV series, yet to be broadcast on Channel 4, he is filmed amid billowing clouds of white gas seeping from the crust of the lava field.

"Look at this, you can actually see the sulphur dioxide seeping out of these vents," he says. "In high concentrations this gas is a killer."

Sulphur dioxide certainly is poisonous, but the smoke seen in the show had been faked by the production crew, the Sunday Times reported.

"Sulphur dioxide fumes are colourless and you can't see it, so smoke generators were used off-screen to make the existing fumes seem visible," said a safety adviser.

According to insiders, the red glow of the molten magma which he warned could incinerate him 'in seconds' was supplemented by burning hot coals brought in by members of the production team.

Last month it was revealed that Grylls stayed in hotels when he claimed to be 'a real life Robinson Crusoe' on a desert island and that the raft he used had actually been built by experts.

A Discovery Channel insider told the Sunday Times that the fakery was 'unacceptable' and had been identified in an internal investigation.
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Dec 12, 2004
Such a disappointment ... :disappoin

This guy is turning out to be the Milli Vanilli of outdoorsman.