Nice collection. While everybody is worried about us Californians we got this guy.
I do like the street sweeper and the H&K.:riflefire
I do like the street sweeper and the H&K.:riflefire
That bullpup was the single biggest piece of crap I've ever owned.Holy Rambo Batman, that's some quality toys you got there. I bet that HK SL8-6 is a blast to shoot. What flavor is the bull pup pictured below the .30 (which btw I'd love to shoot but would hate to buy food for)?
Tavor=Caca in my not so humble opinion, and a lot of the guys I know that use them hate them. The weapon system does not allow for any accesorizing, and we all know that the key to looking good is accesorizing. It does not have any type of rail system for lights, lasers, IR, etc. and the overall construction is cheap. Firing pins are a constant problem, the weapons seems to snap them every 1000 rounds or so (not in my experience, but others)...That's too bad, looks cool runs like shit. Sounds like some cars I've owned. I'd like to try out the IMI Tavor TAR someday, without having to join Israel's military.
You like accessories huh? Wait until I find my other pics... You'll love my AR15.
Not sure if that's a reference or if you're making fun of me.