Good LORD.....there is absolutely-positively *NOTHING* that I hate on the Internet more than that mafockin'
ContentLink crap! I read several blogs, and it seems they all use that crap. Jeez, even a couple of FORUMS are using that now. Ugh!! I swear, I'll just be casually reading a page and my mouse will damn-near every time just accidentally cross one of those douuble-underlined links, and "POINK!!!" up pops that little annoyingassed pop-up box. CRAP!!! I hate it, everytime I see it I just hate it more and more and more!!!!!
And yeah, *IN THEORY* you can go in and turn it off, but it seems to "forget" (how freakin convenient, eh?) after a few weeks and the damn pop-up links start showing up again. ARRRGGGG!!!
I have been doing research on how to block the domain from my computer TOTALLY, but I haven't had much success yet getting rid of the damn double-underline universally.
I will say this tho: if you ever want to get rid of me, all you gotta do is put some
ContentLink double-underlines all over your website....I guarantee I'll close the browser window and delete your freakin bookmark!!!
(Of course, that's just my 2¢)