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Got a lot of dead time at work this week.

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Mar 10, 2007
Sugar Land, TX
I'm in an industry that is very busy one second then dead the next. Anyways, we just got through our fall busy season and now I have too much time on my hands. Not to mention nearly half the office is out on PTO.

I know there is a lot of crap I need to clean up in my files, but I really don't feel like it so I have spent the last few hours looking up cigars online and have really (an I mean really) tempted myself into purchasing a ton. Anyways I have held off the urge, but man I can't wait till November because there are a ton of great sticks that are going to be realeased this year.

Anyways thought I would kill time before I hit our company happy hour. :bottle: I brought a Tatuaje with me, but I think that Houston's smoking ban is in effect so I might have to wait till I get home.