was he NOT a victim?
Why was he a victim? He participated in group sex with a 15 year old girl. Another girl at the party claims the sex wasn't consensual. This wasn't a boyfriend/girlfriend hot & heavy in the back seat of a car. It was 6 guys on two girls, one of whom was underage.
When the police rightfully arrested the men, all but Wilson took their lumps and pled guilty. He decided to roll the dice with the legal system, knowing that if found guilty (and how could he not be found guilty, when the incident was on videotape?) he would get a mandatory 10 years w/out parole. In Georgia, what he did amounts to aggravated child molestation.
He committed a crime, took his chances by going to trial rather than plea bargaining, and was convicted. That particular act carried a mandatory sentence at that time, so once convicted, it was a done deal.
Now, I do believe that the sentence was too harsh. But, I'm just pointing out that this wasn't one of those cases where an innocent person was wrongly jailed. In my opinion, the news stories tended to lean that way however, intimating that he was innocent.