I agree. Parents need to take a more active role in raising their children, knowing what's going on in their lives and actually being a role model for your own children. Some people believe that it is the school's job to raise their children. I am a believer in the saying "It takes a village to raise a child", but I don't have to do all the work.
Just my humble opinion.
I'm very active in my kids life. I'm a fixture at their school, I'm at the bus stop every morning waiting with them, I'm always making sure that they have everything done, hell...I'm the guy that wakes them up a few minutes early if all of their stuff isn't done.
The one thing that makes it really different for me than some guys is I don't let my kids use cell phones or have email addresses. I don't let them go to sites where the have to register to navigate the site either.
I think a lot of parents don't stop to realize that there are a lot of sites out there that are asking for registration info on the sites. I know I don't spend a ton of time on girly girly 12 y/o dress maker dot com, but I know my kids do I so I check it out. I use my history to make sure that the sites that they go to doesn't ask anything personal or ask for any real info. If it does, I block the crap out of it.
I don't think the schools need to do anything more than teach skills. It's my job to teach them morals, responsibility and character. I know the teachers do their best to help us parents out but I think lately we have pushed too much on the schools shoulders.