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Over the top Perhaps


Is it Nicaraguan
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Aug 13, 2007
Tracy, CA

As a parent, I believe that I have dominion over everything that happens under my roof. That said, if you want privacy, sign your first lease, buy your own home. While I have been blessed with great kids in whose lives my wife I have always been active in our children's lives, we have never been above checking the contents of book bags, dresser drawers and whatever else. I do not understand when parents say they do not know what their kids have in their rooms.

Now, is this a bit over the top? They are not saying what else they may be looking for. There is this thing thing called the "Plain view doctrine" which can be used while there... Besides that, a search for a gun allows for a search in anywhere a gun could be located (a very small space) which means it is open season.

Yes, we need to halt teen violence but, is this a price we are willing to pay?

Parents ought not abdicate their responsibilities to be parents!

This will be interesting.
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Jun 6, 2007
Tampa Bay, FL
At least they're asking, in Boston. When I still lived in Chicago, they used to do gun sweeps of entire apartment complexes:


Next step is cops randomly checking people on the street, like Russia or Nazi Germany. Oh wait, they already do that. They're called DUI checkpoints. (No, I don't drink, just think people should protect their rights more)


n0ob Phreak
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Aug 1, 2006
Ripley,West Virginia 25271
and what about the link between chilhood vaccinations and autism? and prpblems.....ie some shots shown to cause it....do we as parents willingly put our children in harms way for the sake of "the greater good"?...society?...where do we draw the line?
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Dec 11, 2006
The Left Coast
and what about the link between chilhood vaccinations and autism? and prpblems.....ie some shots shown to cause it....do we as parents willingly put our children in harms way for the sake of "the greater good"?...society?...where do we draw the line?
While Autism is a tragedy, no real scientific evidence supports that claim according to my board certified pediatrician. Vaccinations only work if we ALL get them. Just because you get vaccinated, you can still get the disease if you are exposed to someone who has an active case of the diseases in question. By everyone getting vaccinated, we protect each other as well. Even if there were a link,would you rather see a reoccurance of the diseases that kids are currently vaccinated against? THAT would be an even more tragic event IMHO. That is why both my kids are vaccinated. To me, it's just not worth the risk.


BoM March '07
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Dec 5, 2005


3 Time BoM
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Dec 13, 2004
The Isle of Long
While Autism is a tragedy, no real scientific evidence supports that claim according to my board certified pediatrician. Vaccinations only work if we ALL get them. Just because you get vaccinated, you can still get the disease if you are exposed to someone who has an active case of the diseases in question. By everyone getting vaccinated, we protect each other as well. Even if there were a link,would you rather see a reoccurance of the diseases that kids are currently vaccinated against? THAT would be an even more tragic event IMHO. That is why both my kids are vaccinated. To me, it's just not worth the risk.
You said this much better than I would have.


BoM March 08
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Jul 25, 2007
The OC
While Autism is a tragedy, no real scientific evidence supports that claim according to my board certified pediatrician. Vaccinations only work if we ALL get them. Just because you get vaccinated, you can still get the disease if you are exposed to someone who has an active case of the diseases in question. By everyone getting vaccinated, we protect each other as well. Even if there were a link,would you rather see a reoccurance of the diseases that kids are currently vaccinated against? THAT would be an even more tragic event IMHO. That is why both my kids are vaccinated. To me, it's just not worth the risk.
Let me say this, My son now 3 got his first vacinations when he was 8 months old. The next day he was a different boy and has not been the same since. He has been diagnosed with autism and still does not speak and may not ever speak, before his vacinations he wqas already begining to verbalize. The reasoning behind this link between vacinations and autism comes from the preservative Thimerisol, which is laden with toxic amounts of mercury. Look at the symptoms of autism and compare those to the symptoms of mercury poisoning. While it may take a predisposition to autism, generaly a higher testosterone level, there is a trigger. In my son it was the day he was vacinated. Do any of us actullay think that the the big drug companies who have billions to lose would ever step forward and say they were wrong and we've been giving your kids a mercury cocktail before the age of 1 year and several times after that. They have outlawed this preservative in both CA and IL as of this year, I wonder why? On another note, how effective are the vacinations we receive? In the last outbreak of smallpox in the world more than half oof the affected persons had been vaccinated and many of those folks got it twice. We have been giving these same vacinations to countries all over the world. In africa the autism rate corresponds directly to the time frame when they began giving these vacines to villagers. Where there was no autism, all of a sudden there is. Imagine the political fallout from admitting that mistake. So in concluision and with out using any of the colorful words Tubaman directed at those of us who do not think well of mandatory vacinations, we will see a linear decline in the number of diagnosed autism cases that will corespond with the ban of Thimerisal. Until the vaccines no longer have mercury in them, don't use them. Have a great day, I'm pissed:tongueout


BoM March 08
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Jul 25, 2007
The OC
I wanted too add something, When tested for Mercury, my son displays lower levels than your normal child. This is because his body cannot processs or filter the mercury once it's in his system. So it never makes it into his urine or blood, it just sits in his brain. The docs then gave him a chelating agent, which stirs up the mercury and forces it into his blood and urine. The next mercury tests were off the charts with mercury. 3 times the amount of an adult with a mercury laden diet. Some parents are putting thier kids on a steady regime of chelation, but this process removes all heavy metals form the body and has some buig side affects. The mercury in my son came from somewhere and we didn't give it to him. I do know that he was vaccinated with shots containing large ammounts of mercury. You decide wher it came from. I urge every expecting parent or parent of an infant to ask for preservative free or Thimerisal free vaccines.

PS Tubman: The only irresponsible thing I did as a parent of a young child was to not do research on the shots my doctors said my kid had to have. I'll live with that mistake for the rest of my life


BoM - July '05 & Dec. '10
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Dec 13, 2004
Jackson, MS
Man that's heart wrenching there. I really had no clue there was ever a link. And it frightens me even more that there is mercury in there. Geez, that's a bitter pill to swallow.


BoM March 08
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Jul 25, 2007
The OC
Just don't believe everything Big Brother tells you to do with out researching it a bit. The almighty dollar has taken presidence over doing the right thing in this case. It may take a few years for everyone to see the results from this, but only time will tell. I would hate to see anyone else's child affected like mine is.


BoM March 08
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Jul 25, 2007
The OC
It has been the same for many years. In Ca and IL it is outlawed if it contains the preservative Thimerisal. Not to worry, I'm sure we shipped our stockpiles to our neighboring states. JJust google the owrds autism & vaccines, with 1.3 million results you will find more information than yoou want from both sides of the argument. Remember 10 years ago there was no evidence of Gobal Warming due to greenhouse gases. Yeah right...big money said you can't prove it so it must not be true.


3 Time BoM
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Dec 13, 2004
The Isle of Long
PS Tubman: The only irresponsible thing I did as a parent of a young child was to not do research on the shots my doctors said my kid had to have. I'll live with that mistake for the rest of my life
If I have offended you I am very sorry. Your story is very compelling and if I were in your shoes, I would be pissed also. You were doing what you thought was right for your child. I'm sure had you known all of this information beforehand you probably would have asked for a different vaccination. We asked our pediatrician about it and they use a different kind of vaccination exclusively, I forget what it is called however.

However, in my defense, it was not you I was calling out. I still feel strongly that children should be vaccinated, without the vaccinations that contain mercury. My story is somewhat similar to yours. When my daughter was born, she had several complications and the doctors reccomended several antibiotics, which we knew can cause hearing loss (my wife is an audiologist) and we had to decide whether or not to use these antibiotics. We did and sure enough, she now has a hearing loss. We made our decision because if we didn't use them there was a strong possiblility of other worse problems developing. Was our decision right? For us it was as the risk of more serious problems occuring outweighed the possible side effects of the antibiotics used. Our decision was the lesser of two undesirable choices.

What I take issue with is that while some families probably feel as you do, others are just lazy or don't like being told what to do. We should do everything we can to protect our children. I never advocate being led around by the nose when it comes to these situations. We always need to educate ourselves as to possible side effects to anything that we do or use.

Again, it was not my intention to offend you and for that I apologize. I'm very sorry that this has happened to you and your family. After going back and reading what I wrote, some of it was pretty insensitive. I'm not normally like that, I must have been in a foul mood. My apologies to you and your family.


BoM March 08
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Jul 25, 2007
The OC
Thank you...You point is a deffinetly valid in that being lazy about your child's health is wrong. I appreciate your response. Remember ask for Preservative / Thimerisal free vaccines for you children.


BoM June 07
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Oct 31, 2006
San Diego
thread re-jack: what's wrong with consentual searches? i've gone to kids houses before and asked the parent for consent. i've been told "no" before too! then i hand them the search warrant (i hate being told no!). as for what that former lieutenant said in the article, i call BS! The US supreme court allows for this. as does it allow for pretext stops, as does it allow for a juveniles "right to privacy" if the parent allows the kid to "lock his bedroom door." if there is a lock on the door, there is an "expectation of privacy" that I have to honor, even if the parent gives me consent.

the easiest way to search is to ask for consent!!