BoM October 2006, it came up first on Google, many other sources had it. I first read about the story on Snopes.Right. The alleged "War on Christmas". I hope that's not your primary news source., it came up first on Google, many other sources had it. I first read about the story on Snopes.Right. The alleged "War on Christmas". I hope that's not your primary news source.
:halfgrinwI can go either way. I can quickly switch
Good Christmas music there :thumbsup:manheim steamroller gets my christmas vote!
Great Christmas music!manheim steamroller gets my christmas vote! love the ventures,, never heard their christmas album...
Are you gonna laugh or are you gonna agree :dunno: Which is it Thomas???:rofl:
What are you rambling about Clifford?Are you gonna laugh or are you gonna agree :dunno: Which is it Thomas???
Are you gonna laugh or are you gonna agree :dunno: Which is it Thomas???
What are you rambling about Clifford?
I was laughing at the SNL vid.
Man that was 5 posts up. A lot happened since then :rofl:
that was the one catagory i forgot... the bah humbug, :angerFU: those carols!Christmas Bah Humbug!
Its about time I get a visit from the 3 Ghost.
The Ghost of Christmas Presents Not Gotten, Ghost of Christmas Santa Past Me up and the Ghost of Christmas Future Cigars... The last one is the one that get's me in the spirit... (He brings Porte Wine, Single Malt and Cognac!)