I have my ups and downs with the FD. If you do not mind all the bull shit and the politics of it all, being a volunteer fireman can be rewarding.
Personally I love the engine work as a hose beater, pulling lines, racking up the supply lines etc the best. Truck work can be a bitch with the ventilation, ladders, search and rescue etc. But what you will find in most FD is 75-80% of calls are ambulance work. Seems 80% of those are not true emergencies either. Plan on 125-150 hours of EMT-B (Emergency Medical Training - Basic) work as well.
Most of all, have fun with what you are doing Tom.
BTW, I am not paid but do get a small state tax break in form of a credit. Also the state has LOSAP (Length of Service Award Program). After 25 years of service, when you turn 60 I think now, you can draw something like $300 bucks a month. I think this goes up $3-$4 a month until you die or if you have juveniles that you are responsible for.