Eh, The unsecured credit card debt will hurt more and quicker than anything else... yea subprime sucked, but credit card debt is ridiculous...
the student loan issue, is one that I am not that educated on, but knowing what i do about it we are looking at 5-7 years if not double that before that really hits....
Personally, and just my opinion, get a damn job and pay for your own undergrad... I know that might sound bad, but I paid for 2 degrees and graduated in 4 years, and had an awesome time doing it... people just do not want to work sometime...
the student loan issue, is one that I am not that educated on, but knowing what i do about it we are looking at 5-7 years if not double that before that really hits....
Personally, and just my opinion, get a damn job and pay for your own undergrad... I know that might sound bad, but I paid for 2 degrees and graduated in 4 years, and had an awesome time doing it... people just do not want to work sometime...