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Comparing cigars to cigarettes

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Jan 17, 2008
Orange County, CA
I know, it's honestly like comparing apples to aliens. I catch crap from nearly every person I know - It shouldn't affect me, its my body, my choices. But it does.

I have a short temper, when someone makes me mad I can't think straight. I can't ever think of something to say when these people tell me how smoking a cigar is worse then smoking a pack of cigarettes.

I was just wondering, how do the rest of you handle these situations? I'm sure everyone has had their share of these run-ins.


BoM June 08
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Apr 26, 2007
Sugar Land, TX
I go off on them how they are a freakin idiot and how Im going to be a doctor soon and that I know more about it then they will in a lifetime... of course this all takes place in my head, before I ask them who told them that, and then maybe Ill explain how their idea is wrong!
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
Don't get mad. Just explain to them that they are simply suffering from being uneducated on the subject and fall into the group of brainwashed americans that think they will live forever if they do everything a doctor says. Shhh don't tell anyone but we will all die at some point it's the one thing we can promise EVERYONE. Why not enjoy some of the "bad" things in life while you can?

My fiance got on my case the other night about cigars. Her uncle "died from smoking cigars which caused lung cancer" while there's no question that he passed who knows what it was from. I tried pointing out to her also that he smoked swisher sweets or something and inhaled them for probably his entire life. For every person tobacco has "killed", someone enjoyed it their whole life with no ill-effects(George Burns).

The key to anything is moderation. Some medical professionals say a glass of wine a day is good for you. Well if you went and worked up to 10 bottles a day you run the risk of screwing yourself up with just the effect the alcohol has on your body. Someone could probably smoke 10 cigarettes a day and be fine their whole life, but the ones that chain smoke and light up every 20-30 min are the ones that will have problems. Same goes for food and even the oxygen we need to live. Too much of something can definitely be bad.


Is it Nicaraguan
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Aug 13, 2007
Tracy, CA
I simply say "thank you for your unsolicited advice" . What I would like to add is that perhaps your concern would be better directed at feeding the homeless, tutoring a child who cannot read or perhaps even volunteering at the homeless shelter since it is obvious that you have a profound concern for mankind.


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Feb 8, 2006
West coast
I just tell them that it is too hard to smoke a whole pack of cigarettes at the same time and then offer them a cigar.
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Jan 17, 2008
Orange County, CA
Oooooo, I like your answer CWS :D

No but really, thank you for all the input so far. I agree that I shouldn't get angry, but man its hard to deal with such ignorant people.


<b>Lead Moderator</b>
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Feb 8, 2006
West coast
Oooooo, I like your answer CWS :D

No but really, thank you for all the input so far. I agree that I shouldn't get angry, but man its hard to deal with such ignorant people.
It is just not worth the hassle. People have formed opinions and they won't change.