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Male call: Breaking up via e-mail: Is it ever OK?


Is it Nicaraguan
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Aug 13, 2007
Tracy, CA
Male Call
Article Launched: 03/07/2008 01:33:13 AM PST

QA guy just broke up with me by e-mail, and I want to know if this is now common practice. It just seems rude to me. We had only gone out a few times, but we had fun, and there seemed to be potential, and then it was just this blow-off e-mail.

Annoyed, San Jose

A Hey, at least it wasn't a text message. Or the even more common practice (apparently, judging from our e-mail) of simply vanishing from the face of the Earth - no call, no e-mail, no traceable GPS location. All you're left with are a few mismatched sweat socks under the bed and half a six-pack of Coors Light in the fridge. (If the beer wasn't light, you might have had a chance at clobbering him as he sneaked back in to grab the remainders. But for Coors Light? Nah . . . )

This topic is a little more nuanced than it seems. There is the school of thought that one deserves an in-person delivery of the news that things are not working out, even if "things" merely means innocent assignations at the soda fountain. Times have changed. Why speak when you can e-mail, and why e-mail when you can text message?

Which dumping method is appropriate is determined largely by timing. If you've been dating only a short while, say three weeks or less, and much of that communication has been via text messages and e-mail, it is not so out of the ordinary that a person would e-mail you to drop the bomb. We're not saying it's right, of course; we've always felt a phone call, or
better yet, mental telepathy, is more humane.
That said, there are certain times when an e-mail, fax, Post-it note or mind meld simply are not good form for breaking up. Such as:

• If you've been dating more than, say, three weeks. For discussion purposes, we'll stipulate that "dating" means seeing each other two or three times a week. Exclusivity is not required, however; juggling several paramours simply means you'll have to Xerox the break-up script.

• If you've exchanged bodily fluids. Oh please, get your minds out of the gutter and stop with the tut-tutting! We're talking about innocent - though long and probing - kisses, too, OK? Unless it occurs in the cloakroom at a wedding reception or in the streets of New Orleans during Mardi Gras, that sort of intimacy demands at least a phone call.

But these days there is another reason to never commit your break-up treatise to e-mail - it could live forever in the magical land of the Internet! Plus, if the e-mail happens to be obnoxious or defensive or simply lame - of which, face it, the chances are pretty good - it could end up being ridiculed by the saucy lasses over at ladies' fashion and gossip site Jezebel.com in a regular feature they call "Crap E-mail From a Dude." They're mean, but funny! As long as you're not the author.

Consider yourself warned.

P.S.: Tell us your stories of poorly delivered break-up news. We'll print the best (um, worst?). Send them to malecall@mercurynews.com .


BoM - July '05 & Dec. '10
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Dec 13, 2004
Jackson, MS
I had a friend who got laid off via text message. Talk about the boss having no balls.