Man it's dry hereok here goes
"What's Winter?"
Man it's dry hereok here goes
"What's Winter?"
Ken - OneadayMan it's dry here
Donk?OK, I'll do my best, no hard feelings are meant by this! :rofl: But just observations I've noticed.
"I saw one at the grcery store last nightand thougt Id pick one up, when I got home thier was my mailbox laying inthe driveway all blown too peices from a bomb from Angry Bill"
considering the bad typing I would say you are correct.:grinFU:Dprice?
Bingo! :halfgrinw :rofl:Dprice?
Hey, I just went and read some of these old ones, what the heck did I do to deserve that! :wink:Damn, I guess that was too easy! :headroll:
You're up!
OK, that was fucking hilarious!