Don't worry Wade, I can help you get through this.
Twelve Steps that recovering Freecell addicts everywhere have successfully used to rejoin normal society:
1. We admitted we were powerless over Freecell. Our lives were a mess. Freecell was in control. "Lunch hour" Freecell at work now stretched from 10:30AM to 3:30PM, which of course segued neatly into "after work Freecell" beginning at 3:30PM.
2. We came to understand that only a higher power could help us. No we're not talking about AOL, Microsoft, your Internet Service Provider, or the power of the CPU in your computer. We're talking about The Big Guy.
3. We accepted that we must turn ourselves and our lives over to the care of The Big Guy. Note: even if you don't believe there's a Big Guy, you have to admit that even a non-existent Big Guy couldn't make more of a mess of your life than you have already.
4. We made a rather dreadfully depressing moral inventory of ourselves, leaving nothing out, ranging from compulsive nose-picking at the computer to that little issue of the restraining order, filed after the loss of that one really, really sweet huge streak. Damn that was a great streak. But we digress..
5. We admitted to The Big Guy and to another human being the nature of our problem. Be prepared for laughter and derision-- Freecell addiction is still not widely understood by society, or seen as a disease which of course it is.
6. We were entirely ready to let The Big Guy remove the defects in our character. What the heck-- whadda ya got to lose anyhow?
7. We humbly asked that The Big Guy remove our shortcomings. Frankly I think this is getting a bit repetitive-- this could probably be condensed to a tighter, punchier Nine Step Program more in tune with today's concentration span, don't you think?
8. We made a list of all the people we'd harmed. This needs to include minor offenses such as not letting family members check email for days on end. Doesn't seem like big stuff to you, but you gotta remember how petty people can be.
9. We made direct amends all the whiners on that list we just made. Careful when making that list in Step 8. It all comes back to bite you here in Step 9.
10. We continue to take moral inventory. Yup, that's right, it's an ongoing nuisance. You're going to have to sustain this change for at least a few days at a time here and there if you're going to swagger around bragging about being "cured".
11. We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our streaks, oops, I meant to say we would improve our in-tuneness with The Big Guy. We must quit thinking about streaks, must quit thinking about streaks, must, must, must!
12. Having come back from the brink we now want to sustain our newfound freedom and to help other Freecell addicts "make it back". Now this is a tricky one. The way I see it, to help other Freecell addicts you gotta go where the addicts are to find someone to help. And it surely can't hurt to play just One More Game while you're there, can it?
But first I have to play another game.:stretchgr:stretchgr:stretchgr