We are finally doing this in August for our 35th anniversary. I am royally psyched. Splurged for a suite on Holland's Westerdam. We have never done a cruise before so advice readily accepted
My advice to you...look me up if your travel plans bring you to the Anchorage area....advice readily accepted
Sage advice!my best advice is to buy some travel pants with elastic waist bands...
We cruise every year and sometimes they take your liquor out of your bag and return it the last night of the cruise. This year I emtied out a large bottle of scope and filled it with gin and a little green food coloring. I still have a gin bottle half full of scope in my bathroom. The booze on a ship gets very expencive.Patmy best advice is to buy some travel pants with elastic waist bands. Ohyeah and sneak your liqour in your luggage so you save on you bar tab.
Just to clarify for those unfamiliar with Pacific salmon...Try to find some fresh white salmon cooked over a fire up there, it's amazing.
Just to clarify for those unfamiliar with Pacific salmon...
The flesh of about 5 percent of all King (Chinkook) salmon lack the normal lovely orangish-pink coloration. Instead, it's kind of a pearly white and has a more delicate flavor. They call 'em White Kings or Ivory Kings but you can't tell from the outside, though. They look just like any other King until you clean 'em.
If you can't get your hands on White King, don't worry about it. Try the regular variety or have some Silver (Coho) or Red (Sockeye) salmon. Hell, try 'em all if you can. Just steer clear of the Pinks and Chum salmon. :nodlaugh: