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Nazi teacher


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Jun 26, 2008
Laguna/ Mammoth Lakes
First day of school I go into my speech and debate class,the teacher seems like a funny guy liberal as can be but a funny guy.it was funny until he takes the american flag off the stand rolls it up and puts it on the desk. saying condecending things about it..
This is where my blood starts boiling thinking what the fcuk us this guy going to do with it. Well he gets on to another topic for about 5 minutes. But gets back to the flag.he un-rolls it,looks at it condecendingly play with it saying how beautiful is the flag and THROWS IT BEHIND HIS BACK,ONTO THE FLOOR. Now ive been tought since I can remember that that I alwase stand up and have the utmost respect for that national simbol. And it never touches the floor!! No matter what! I was stunned i froze i didnt know what to do I just stared at him! Blood boiling, fists clintched, ready to put this guys head through a wall but i thought too much i didnt want to get expelled my seinior year.. after that class i felt sick all day i didnt know what to do..
i promise you if he even talks one bit of smack on our soldiers,flag,founding fathers ect. you will be hearing about an 18 yearold kid in Dana Point California whooping his english teacher's ass..:boxing::rifleaim::bangbang::tazerblas:fencing::riflefire

i had to let off some steam..im kicking myself right now for not doing anything about it..
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
Sad thing is he has freedoms just like anyone else. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but even though there was talk about flag desecration laws there are none that make it a criminal act to treat the flag in a disrespectful manner.

You should tell him that if he feels so strongly that our country sucks then tell him to move Rwanda. He'll have an immediate appreciation for the USA.
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Jul 15, 2007
He has a right to his beliefs
He has the right to explain his positions
He has a right to do as he wishes in the name of Free Speech with HIS FLAG

You Pledged Allegiance
You had a Duty to the Flag
You had a responsibility to pick it up -- RESPECTFULLY.

What you didn't have was another 10 years of age.
What you didn't have was a room full of like minded patriots

This is not to slam you. This is your issue. I don't know what I would have done at 18, I am just grateful to God that I didn't have to deal with such un-American crap from people paid with my tax dollars.

You did what you thought was right at the time. DO NOT attack him, then you would be no better than him.
Be strong Patriot, there is another day and another battle for you.
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
For some reason I didn't key in on that it was a debate class. Not that it excuses his behavior but I have a feeling he was trying to stir discussion. If not today, but I bet tomorrow he may ask how everyone felt about what he did. If he doesn't put a tack taped upside down on his chair.:tongueout


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Jun 26, 2008
Laguna/ Mammoth Lakes
For some reason I didn't key in on that it was a debate class. Not that it excuses his behavior but I have a feeling he was trying to stir discussion. If not today, but I bet tomorrow he may ask how everyone felt about what he did. If he doesn't put a tack taped upside down on his chair.:tongueout
he did it on tuesday and its been eating at me since

Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
i know your not trying to slam me..but if this guy does that again i dont know what im going to do. but "nothing" isnt an option.
Well be smart about it, no point in getting kicked out of school. If it bothers you that much approach the admistration of your school and see what your options are. Free speech for all, even jackass professors, I've had my share in Community College.

And as eodcole stated, my first reaction was that he was trying to stir up some shit to spark a debate, but I understand your frustration. Personally, I think I would see about finding another elective.


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Jun 26, 2008
Laguna/ Mammoth Lakes
im pretty sure he can find another way to stir up discussion...i wish i could find another elective but i need english credits and im not up for advanced placement courses
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Apr 29, 2008
The people's republic of New Jersey.
I thankfully have never had to deal with an attitude like this on a education level. I agree with you. I have no idea what I would do but Nothing is not an option. (I am not judging what you did... I can totally understand not doing something right away. esp on the first day of class) But I think my response to him after I pick up the flag would have been... People died for this symbol, and you would not be able to do what you just did had they not died. Hitler was not about people disagreeing with him.
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Jul 20, 2008
Holly Springs, NC
I will say this. The one thing i learned as i went through college is that more times than not a teacher/professor/TA...whatever will respect your for speaking up. I'm not saying pick a fight with the guy, but just as he had the right to desecrate our flag, you have the right to tell him how you feel about it. I would recommend trying to do this during his office hours or set up a meeting but when all is said and done you are in college now. You don't need to be babysat by professors, your are an adult just as he is and have every right to speak as one.


Corrupted At An Early Age
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Jun 25, 2007
Southern Indiana
I have to think he's stirring the pot to make some point.... He may even not hate america...... Then again, I could be wrong. Sit, watch, learn, then react. Don't jump to any conclusions just yet. He sounds like a real liberal, artsy kind of guy.


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
i know your not trying to slam me..but if this guy does that again i dont know what im going to do. but "nothing" isnt an option.
As has been said. Quitely, calmly, stand up, walk over and pick up the flag (and if you are so inclined, put it back where it belongs). Beyond that it's up to you though I would politely inform your teacher that, "A great number of honorable people have died over the years to give you the right to dishonor this flag. Thankfully, they also fought and died for my right to defend it."

Walk back to your desk and sit down.

And keep in mind that you are in a speech and debate class. I'd be very surprised if this guy didn't do all of this just to get a rise out of folks and to illustrate something as it relates to debates (keeping ones cool, for instance). Good luck with your class.


BoM Feb 2010
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Jul 1, 2008
Nazareth, PA
So many terrible things have been done in the name of patriotism & our country. Corrupt leaders & appathetic populace have & continue to do much harm here & around the world.

That being said, I love the principles and ideals that this country was founded on! I have nothing but the utmost respect for those brave soldiers that fought & died for them. Our flag represents that to me.

I think that what your professor did was despicable.
But I agree with what Klusterbuck said: "...he's stirring the pot... Sit, watch, learn, then react."

It's never good to spontaneously react in anger.
You maintain your integrity & honor by not stooping to that level.

Good luck!


Cigar n00b
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May 23, 2008
Fort Worth, TX
Just my two cents here.... but I would have gone with the middle road. Don't directly confront the guy, but walk up to the front of the class. Pick up the flag and either re-hang it, or ask someone in the class to help you properly fold it and place it on a desk or shelf out of the guys way. That way you respect the flag and the teacher, even if they haven't earned your respect.


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Jun 26, 2008
Laguna/ Mammoth Lakes
yeah Im a senior in highschool guys. and if it was just to stir the pot there are many other ways to accomplish that. So i dont buy it. Im not planning on hurting the guy i just said that because i thats the way i felt last night. there still is no excuse
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Apr 10, 2006
Deliverance Country
i know your not trying to slam me..but if this guy does that again i dont know what im going to do. but "nothing" isnt an option.
Lets think about this logically. What is the worse thing that can happen if you say/do nothing? Your ego gets bruised because you feel insulted...someone insulted your country.

If you choose to say something...the class is likely graded very subjectively. He could certainly fail you.

If you choose to hit him...you go to jail.

The guy has the right to express his opinion and disrespect the flag. Our soldiers fight not only for your right to free speech...but his. He is obviously trying to pizz people off. He is obviously a jack azz. You don't need to be one.