I need to send a package to day, and I grabbed a box from the garage thios morning, butit is the Flat Rtae box. Do I have to pay the full $8.70 for this or can I sratch out the flat rate lable and just send it priority with DCN for $5?
I need to send a package to day, and I grabbed a box from the garage thios morning, butit is the Flat Rtae box. Do I have to pay the full $8.70 for this or can I sratch out the flat rate lable and just send it priority with DCN for $5?
I sent an old priority box I had via regular mail and it got returned, the post office said insufficient postage for priority. So I would not do it, unless it is no rush, because it may get returned.
Another note, I have done this several times before this last time and it did not happen, so you could be fine.
I was going to suggest giving it a wrapping, with butcher paper or paper grocery sack to cover the flat rate bit. I've gotten away with that a number of times.