Started the day off with a nice cup of Brazilian coffee that my Mom brought me from Brazil and a Tat Reserva SW. Many more to come I am sure.
You guys are starting the day in a good way.Gonna have P898 with the paper and coffee this morning.
Gonna have P898 with the paper and coffee this morning.
Sweet! That warms my heart, man. J. Fuego's sticks seem a bit overlooked in my (limited) experience. They are so tasty and yet so different than anything Pete or Dion is putting out...really nice to have another option (and a bit more reasonably priced as well)!I had an awesome little J. Fuego Dilerium (sp?) this morning thanks to Boston Matt. What a little flavor power house!
Looks like the CG (P1). Could be wrong, though.First will be Tatuaje (white label). Not sure which one it is, if anyone knows please tell.