Well, not quite. Many people have unclaimed insurance proceeds, abandoned safe deposit boxes, and other monies that were undeliverable and are now in control of the states. This is the 21st century, adult version of looking for change in pay phones.
For most of the states, go to missingmoney.com. This is a service paid for by the states and there is no charge if your money is listed there.
California is among the states that does not subscribe to that site. For California, go to the Department of Revenue at http://scoweb.sco.ca.gov/UCP/.
Good luck finding money you forgot or didn't know was there.
For most of the states, go to missingmoney.com. This is a service paid for by the states and there is no charge if your money is listed there.
California is among the states that does not subscribe to that site. For California, go to the Department of Revenue at http://scoweb.sco.ca.gov/UCP/.
Good luck finding money you forgot or didn't know was there.