BoM January 08
Man this is a way to slow down production!
Man this is a way to slow down production!
I believe under the current union contracts, they get 95% pay when laid off.They all slowing down and closing plants. Migth be a good way to do it with the holidays, although are the employees forced to use vacation time or are they being paid>
Yep, you are correct.I know, my point is all union employees will still get paid.
Now I don't mean to offend anyone here either but, where in the hell did you ever get the idea line workers made $75 an hour? Wait, let me guess.....the news???but I sort think that the Unions are part of the problem here. Do the line workers really deserve as much as $75/hour? How many years of college does it take to get that job? Is it that dangerous?
Now don't get me wrong, if they can make that much, then good for them. But it seems to me that the reason that non-American manufacturers can make so much more profit is at least partially due to the fact that they don't pay their laborers as much as they pay their doctors.
Now I don't mean to offend anyone here either but, where in the hell did you ever get the idea line workers made $75 an hour? Wait, let me guess.....the news???
This is the kind of shit that once it gets started, it becomes truth. The different kinds of bullshit that goes around about autoworkers is just that.....bullshit.
Since I've been doing this alot lately, let me give you a brief low-down on autoworkers and some myths related to them.
Autoworkers make $75 an's how they get there.
Wages + benefits + retirees pensions and their benefits + surviving spouses and their benefits / active workers= $75 an hour. There are tens of thousands of retired autoworkers out there. These are commonly referred to legacy costs and are the cost of being in business 100 years. The retirees pensions are paid out of a separately funded account, contributed to by Union and company and do not reflect costs paid on a monthly basis so that part of the so called wage calculation is bogus. Yes, there are bridge benefits paid in health care costs till a retiree reaches the age of 65. Then they must apply for Medicare.
The simple truth is active worker wages and benefits account for less than 10% of the manufactures costs. We could work for free and it wouldnt supply credit for people to buy cars right now. Its a cash-flow problem and if you dont have cash coming in, you cant pay your vendors.
OK, soap box put away.
Thank you. I found your reply quite informative...It's not really a big secret on autoworkers wages... (Snipped for brevity)