Even worse My wives boss continues to make even more money every year even with the economy. Has hired numerous new managers, Execs etc. Her bonus witch is usaully quite large got axed in half this year after he told her it was going to be larger this year as always. He stated in the general holiday memo this year that since more execs were receiving a bonus, the Managers that were there longer had to be lowered. It's not the fact that it was lower to us, Its the fact that he made millions more this year than others, even with current economic sitiuations. She stays late, goes in early, Sats are a given now and then.We have put or future on hold for this MF(kids). And then she calls me 2 weeks ago crying. I told her this year were going on a tight budget, paying down the mortgage and shes quiting and taking a break by fall. I cant wait till she gives notice and he realizes how much she actually does for this Fker. He actually had the nerve at lunch the other day to say he spent over 80k on the wife and kids for Xmas (Mother Fker):gangfire::noemotion