O wow,,,have been there and done that. Not to that extent but the cold and icy weather in Boston for 5 years and KC, Mo. for 10 I had my fill of below 0 temps and black ice. It got so bad I had to buy a "disposable" car just to drive in the winter time. "Disposable" car meaning the cheapest care I could buy at the time,,,Nissan Sentra. This poor car had dents on all fenders,,bumper crooked,,,rusted,,I hit more hay bales and ran into more ditches that I can tell you.
I don't know how people do it year after year,,,,the last straw for me was when I went out after work to go home,,,I couldnt get into my car because the locks were frozen and finally with a lighter I got it melted but couldnt get into my car because the water froze in the door jam and I have to get a buddy to get his car with a rope,,,yeah, you're going to love this,,,we tie rope thru the door handle then back to his car and tell him to back up s l o w l y,,,,he hits his brakes and continues to slide and my door now becomes a tobaggon as it is seperated from the car totally. Soooo, I get in the car just to start it,,,no dice cuz its been sitting in the parking lot for 12 hours at 15 below. Deader than a hammer,,,,now I'm pissed. The next day I go to work and give them notice I am transferring and never looked back!! F/n snow and ice,,,never again!