I borrowed this from a post by Doclogic...
"The National Institutes of Health, with the National Cancer Institute, published its long awaited Monograph number 9, Cigars, Health Effects and Trends in February, 1998. This publication is to date the most complete compilation of cigar research and health risks. NCI's conclusions regarding cigars and health are easily contested. But the papers they present should interest any student of the heath risks of cigar smoking. This monograph is highly recommended.
The relative risk values are the relative risk of occurrence of a certain disease compared to the general non-smoking population (which is considered a standard of "1"). It should be emphasized that the National Cancer Institute states that a "relative risk of less than 2 are considered small and are usually difficult to interpret." The NCI report then is encouraging to the moderate cigar smoker. According to the NCI the relative risk ratios of death are all less than 2 for smokers limiting cigar consumption from 1 to 2 a day for: 1) all causes of death, 2) lung cancer, 3) pancreatic cancer, 4) emphysema, and 5) coronary artery disease. Cancers of the oral cavity and larynx have higher risk ratios but are intimately associated with heavy alcohol use. "
I have been asked lately by a member what I thought about the effects of cigar smoking. This is the thread I was looking for. Basically if you keep it to one or two the health risks are minimal. At 17 a day, you know you are way past the norm and well into and past the danger zone. Sure today you feel immortal. We all did in out twenties. Trust me. It wont last. Its your life but wow you can run stop signs and get away with it many times before the semi hits you dude.