Why would you need to buy...oh, wait. I see. Oh dear.Time to buy lube!!
Just a delay, they say...But with ZERo money in the general fund and XXX amount of debt, plus 1.9 Billion in tax refunds they owe, but don't have.Let me understand this, they are taking your tax refund to pay their debt??!!??
Yeah, I'd be pissed too!
do you keep the herb money in a different cookie jar? :jitb:
That's just in the monthly budget.:smokingbodo you keep the herb money in a different cookie jar? :jitb:
I keep saying that our states and federal government need to reset and start over.
It would and when it happens it WILL hurt bigtime. People think things are bad now just wait until our government's controlling ways gets the best of them. All the people that blindly bowed down to big brother will be left clueless when the SHTF.i completely agree, but the only way for that to happen is for a complete collapse to occur, an i mean COMPLETE, which may not be far off. However, if that collapse occurs, we're ALL in for a long hard haul. It won't be pretty by any means.