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FIGHT FOCA (Freedom Of Choice Act)

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May 10, 2007
Religious hospitals have always had the right to refuse to perform abortions. But the lame duck Bush administration pushed through changes to the rules that far overreach the original intent.

Dec 02, 2008

The outgoing Bush administration is planning to announce a broad new "right of conscience" rule permitting medical facilities, doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other healthcare workers to refuse to participate in any procedure they find morally objectionable, including abortion and possibly even artificial insemination and birth control.

For more than 30 years, federal law has dictated that doctors and nurses may refuse to perform abortions. The new rule would go further by making clear that healthcare workers also may refuse to provide information or advice to patients who might want an abortion.

It also seeks to cover far more employees. For example, in addition to a surgeon and a nurse in an operating room, the rule would extend to "an employee whose task it is to clean the instruments," the draft rule said.

The people fighting FOCA are the usual suspects: Religious groups and other right wingers who believe their moral superiority outweighs a woman's right to choose.


BOM 2/09-Keeper BOTtLe
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May 8, 2008
Ft. Lauderdale Florida
The whole abortion issue sucks IMO. I can't stand the pro lifers that are pro life until the kid is born but do not want to raise taxes to feed, raise, educate etc. the kid or support the mother who can't work even if she wanted to, because of the cost of child care. I could side with pro life if they meant pro life to graduation from school and not just until birth, but I've yet to see the list of people willing to adopt ANY child that would have been an abortion if not for them.

Until I hear a realistic plan to deal with raising all these kids, or our population is suddently in danger of falling too low for survival, I have to side with the lesser of two evils as much as I don't like it.

As for this bill, I tend to think as a tax payer it's far cheaper to end a pregnancy than throw an unwanted kid, onto an unfit parent with little hope of ever doing more than surviving in poverty. Reality sucks.


Grand Corona
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Sep 10, 2008
Las Vegas
The whole abortion issue sucks IMO. I can't stand the pro lifers that are pro life until the kid is born but do not want to raise taxes to feed, raise, educate etc. the kid or support the mother who can't work even if she wanted to, because of the cost of child care. I could side with pro life if they meant pro life to graduation from school and not just until birth, but I've yet to see the list of people willing to adopt ANY child that would have been an abortion if not for them.

Until I hear a realistic plan to deal with raising all these kids, or our population is suddently in danger of falling too low for survival, I have to side with the lesser of two evils as much as I don't like it.

As for this bill, I tend to think as a tax payer it's far cheaper to end a pregnancy than throw an unwanted kid, onto an unfit parent with little hope of ever doing more than surviving in poverty. Reality sucks.
Same here. Don't get me into the health care issue:frownno: