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Is this gonna give me cancer?

Electric Sheep

Dsicle - BoM Dec 06
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Aug 1, 2006
Dallas, TX

I'm just in love with this TRUVIA stuff. Bought it a few months ago because the packaging is so kick-ass, and turns out that I like it better than any other artificial sweetner.

Have you tried it?

Do you think it'll give us cancer?

Are you afraid it's killing polar bears?

Do you think it can be smoked?



BoM Decembre '08
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Aug 12, 2008
Mexico City
It's based on natural sugars (which does not make it one, though); yet it still has not been approved by the FDA. For cancer? It's too new to know. Polar bears? The plant where the "rebiana" (the sweetener) comes from is Latin American. Smokable? Maybe sprinkle some in a good maduro to have a chocolate milk cigar... :barf:


Triple Churchill
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Mar 10, 2009
Colorado Springs, Colorado
The first dietary sweetener was made of saccharin (Sweet'N Low) when that was found to cause cancer, aspartame was next on the list (NutraSweet and Equal) no need to re-hash how horrid aspartame is for you. After it's fall sucralose was introduced (Splenda) which now has a pretty mainstream following against it, I think its on its way out permanently. Then after having been blocked by the powerful Monsanto company (who brought us sacchrin, aspartame, and agent orange) for 20 years, the Stevia plant comes into focus. Stevia extract is 300 times sweeter than sugar and can be extracted from the stevia leaf by methods similar to making tea. Truvia (made from the stevia leaf) is being released by Cargill and Coca-Cola. According to the Tuvia website, stevia is currently NOT being grown organically, for whatever reason.
It will take a few years to understand the impact of this sweetener. There is currently a debate as to weather it causes impotence. No talk of cancer yet.

side note: in 100 years from now will Truvia be remembered as the all natural zero calorie sweetener that replaced sugar? or the next in a long line of artificial sweeteners that was later found to cause "something bad". These companies have not earned my trust, I'll stick to sugar.

Hope this helped.. or at least was interesting.
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Jan 21, 2008
It amazes me how bad this country wants to replace sugar. I wonder if sugar is even the biggest problem in the average American's diet? Bad fats (fast food) and pure portion size seem like bigger problems to me. My opinion? Enjoy the good old-fashioned stuff, in moderation of course.

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Dec 28, 2007
Appleton, Wi
Just eat sugar mother fucker. PM me your address, I'm going to bomb you for posting this.
Wow, someone is smoking the wrong end of the cigar today!


I heard about this a couple of years ago. I am not sold on anything that is not produced naturally. I am sure it taste great, but when you start putting unnatural thing in your body, you body is going to use it's resources to get rid of it or store in somewhere where it can eventually cause harm. I know a lot of food today does not even fall into this category, but it cost an arm and a leg to eat totally organic.

I was a 6 pack of diet Mountain Dew a day addict. I had a minimum of 6 cans a day. When I quit drinking all that soda with the aspartame, I definitely notice a difference in my health and general well being.


BoM Decembre '08
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Aug 12, 2008
Mexico City
Ye know what comes in a mean man'sman package? Honey. It's in either a bear, or a beehive. :thumbsup: