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New Twist to an Old Con That REALLY Burns My Shorts


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Feb 8, 2006
West coast
I got this email in my spam bucket. I wish I could send this guy to Iraq,


My name is David Bret, I am an American soldier, I am serving in the military of
the 1st Armored Division in Iraq, as you know we are being attacked by
insurgents everyday and car bombs. We managed to move funds belonging to Saddam
Husseins family.

The total amount is US$25 Million dollars in cash, mostly 100 dollar bills. We
want to move this money to you, so that you may invest it for us and keep our
share for banking.You can go to this web link to read about events that took
place there

We will take 70%, my partner and I. You take the other 30%. No strings
attached, just help us move it out of Iraq, Iraq is a war zone.

We plan on using diplomatic courier and shipping the money out in one large
silver box, using diplomatic immunity.If you are interested I will send you
the full details, my job is to find a good partner that we can trust and that
will assist us.

Can I trust you? When you receive this letter, kindly send me an e-mail
signifying your interest including your:

(a). Your full names.
(b). Your contact address and nearest airport to you.
(c). Your age
(d). Your ocupation and
(f). Your direct/Moble phone number.

This business is risk free. The box can be shipped out in 48hrs if you will be
ready to assist us.

Yours faithfully,
Sgt.David Bret.


BoM July '09
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Apr 10, 2007
Stringer, Mississippi
I would love to set up a bogus email just to eff with these guys. what a bunch of tossers
LOL, funny you should say that......

I set up a bogus account and replied to a spammer similar to this one. It went like this:

Dear sir,

I am more than happy to send you everything you require if you could answer one simple question:

"How much poop could a poop chute shoot if a poop chute could shoot poop?"

If you can answer this correctly, you will have my full support!"

Sadly, I have never recieved a response!:dunno:
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Feb 26, 2008
Delco, Pa
What a crock of crap!!! I can't believe some people!!!! The sad thing is there are people that fall for this stuff all the time!!!
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
A recent phone call scam in my hometown pretended to be a bank checking on people's accounts and saying their old pin number was disabled for security reasons. They would "verify" it was the true account holder by getting the disabled pin, which wasn't really disabled, and giving them a new one. The real sad thing is goddamn bank employees fell for it!


Benny Hill's Understudy
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Mar 11, 2009
Nasti Nati
Just FYI, the majority of these scams some from Nigeria...how many times do people fall for this crap!

Electric Sheep

Dsicle - BoM Dec 06
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Aug 1, 2006
Dallas, TX
I am never shocked at how low a scammer will stoop.

I am, however, always shocked at how gullible the people are that fall for these scams.

My favorite, of course, are the 419 eaters (people who scam the scammers) LOL!